Chapter Eighteen

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Blakelyn's POV:

"You two did so well today." I cooed at the twins as we left The Little Gym. They both smiled when I put them in their car seats. I got into the driver's seat and turned the car on, turning the radio up so we all could hear it. I looked at my rearview mirror and smiled as I looked at them. Trevor was playing with his bear and Christian was drinking from his sippy cup. I backed my car out of the parking space and started to drive.

I finished cutting up the twins a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before putting the pieces on their high chair trays with some cut up strawberries. I finished making my sandwich and bit into it as I looked at them. Christian was already making a mess, getting jelly on his face. "Chris." I pouted and he giggled. "You can never go one meal without getting dirty huh? Do I need to start feeding you?" I asked. "No!" He smiled and I smiled too. "That's right, you're a big boy so you need to eat like a big boy." I smiled. They both continued eating and giggling as we continued to have a little "conversation".

"Dadadada!" Trevor smiled before toddling over to Harry. "Hey buddy." He smiled and picked him up. Trevor smiled as Harry kissed his big slobbery cheek. "They did so well at Gym today." I smiled when he sat beside me. "Really?" He smiled back. I nodded. "They shared with the other babies, they even did a somersault and walked on a balance beam," I said, snuggling Christian. "That's so good boys." Harry cooed and kissed Trevor on the top of the head. "Since it's so nice outside, do you want to go for a walk?" He asked me and I nodded. "Of course." I smiled.

"Look at the leaves." I smiled at the boys when Harry sat them on the floor. They stepped on the fallen leaves and made them crunch. I gasped and squatted down to their level. Trevor looked at me and stepped on another, making it crunch. "Cool huh?" I smiled, picking one up. I handed it to him and he grabbed it, raising it up to his nose so he could smell it. I laughed when Christian did the same. "They are your kids." I smiled at Harry and he rolled his eyes playfully.

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