Kidnapped Part 8

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I'm in my old bedroom from when i was little. Well, our bedroom. My family lived in a small apartment and we all slept in one room. We had two queen sized beds pushed up against one side of the wall to form a massive bed we all slept on. A closet opposite the beds and a dresser as well.

I am standing on the bed, right in the middle of the two. I look out the window directly in front of me. Stare at the trees with their green leaves, reminding me of a rain forest. i can see my reflection as well in the mirror. Its the 7 year old me. I see the apartment across from us. See their window. See someone sitting by it. Looking intently outside at something. Not at me though. Our apartment sits a little higher. I hear someone downstairs. I turn around, my body not feeling like my own. I still stand on the bed, hearing the footsteps come up the stairs. I start to get nervous. I look at the digital clock on top of the tv.

4:32pm. I don't know what that time means but i start to feel even more nervous. The person makes it to the top of the stairs and i can feel they are standing on the other side of the door but they aren't opening it. I still stand on the bed, too scared to move.

Finally, the doorknob twists. I try to back away but i have no control over my body. The door opens and i see my father. I stand there staring at him and he looks at me too. I would think i would feel relieved seeing it was just him but i dont. He walks towards me and sits on the edge of the bed. He turns to look at me behind him and reaches out for my hand. I dont move. Why am i scared? He takes my hand and pulls me towards him, motioning to sit on his lap. I do, hesitantly and he smiles a big smile at me. I look up at him and smile too. My smile isn't as genuine. He reaches for the tv that sits on The dresser, which touches the bed because the room is so small, and turns it on.

My eyes go wide with confusion as i stare at the Tv. There are naked bodies everywhere. Grinding on each other and doing things. The sounds make me cringe. I try to get off him but he holds me tight. His breathing getting heavier. His hand reaches under my dress, into my underwear. His cold hands. I shut my eyes and cover my ears not knowing what else to do.

Suddenly the room is quiet, I dont feel his hands on me anymore and i slowly open my eyes. Im in school. In a classroom. Its empty and all the books have been scattered all over the floor. The chairs and desks have been turned over. I look down at myself and see im not 7 anymore. Im older. I hear shuffling in the closet at the back of the classroom and even though my instinct is to run, i walk towards it. The shuffling stops and continues, stops then continues. I reach the door and just open it.


I gasp as the warm liquid splatters all over my face and clothes. I stumble back and slip on the liquid, scrambling backwards as soon as i hit the floor. The pain being the last thing on my mind. I open my eyes and look directly at whats in front of me. At what is looking directly at me.

Or who.

His blank eyes stare back at me, soulless. The gun in his now limp hand slowly sliding down to the floor. The splatter of blood in the wall behind him, smeared down as he fell. I dont recognize him. I gasp for air finding it hard to catch my breath. I cant move. I cant breathe. I just stare. Trying to recognize.

I stare and I stare until..

I remember.

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screams. His hand raises and the gun aims at me. Fury on his face.

And I scream.

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