Kidnapped Pt 2 Chapter 2

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A/N: thank you so much to those of you that have voted and commented! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you like it. Here's the next chapter, don't forget to please comment and vote! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

Alex POV

I knock on Mary's door hoping she's not asleep yet. I'm so excited to show her the cute shirt I bought her today, hoping it would cheer her up.

When she doesn't answer, I open the door expecting to see her sleeping. Instead her bed is empty. I look at my watch, a little alarmed that she's not home.


That's odd. On a school night? I search up her contact number and call her right away. It goes straight to voice mail, so I call up Jess and ask if she knows where Mary is.

"Hellooooo," Jess answers, I hear the loud music behind her and I know she's at some party with her boyfriend.

"Jess, do you know where Mary is?" I ask her, trying to not sound worried.

"Ummmmm, no I do not, I haven't talked to her today. She's not home? It's a school night!" She yells.

"Yeah, she's not home, I was hoping she told you where she would be."

"No, don't worry, I'm sure she probably crashed at a friends house or something, call around and see what's up." She says, we say our goodbyes and I proceed to call everyone I know that could know where Mary is. No one knows anything. I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach that I can't get rid of.

Mary isn't the type to just off and disappear. Not after what happened to me years ago. She always makes sure someone knows where she is. I take a deep breath, hoping that I'm being paranoid. I'll just wait til the morning, and I'll go up to her school or work if she's not home by then.

I walk back to my bedroom, feeling nauseated. I don't know why I can't shake this horrible feeling that something might've happened to her.

Jess POV

I didn't enjoy the rest of the night at the party after Alex's phone call. It's unlike Mary to not let anyone know where she is. she's crazy about her studies, so on a school night she's usually in bed by like 9. I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach, I tell Damon my boyfriend, to let's just leave.

"What's wrong?" He says concerned.

"Mary isn't home yet, I'm a little worried," I say grabbing my purse and jacket.

"Wow, that is strange, I'm sure she's fine though, come on, I'll take you home," he says hugging me and leading me out.

We arrive at my place and I kiss him goodbye. Once inside, I go straight to Mary's room to see if she's there. She's not. The uneasy feelings turns to fear as I rush to Alex's room. She's sleeping.

I decide to do the same. No sense in worrying just yet. She's 16. No matter how much of a brainiac she is, inside there must be a little wild girl somewhere.

The next morning, there's a knock on my door and I wake up to see Alex dressed and ready to head out.

"Goodmorning, Jess im going to the school to see if Mary showed up. She didn't come home," Alex says clearly upset now.

"Okay, I'll go to her job, to see if she showed up last night," I reply, getting up. She nods in agreement, and heads out. The worry on her face is making me even more worried.

I dress and head off to Marys job.

Once there, I look around to see anyone I can ask. I spot Jacob, some kid who likes Mary and walk to him. He's at the front, waiting for an order.

"Hey, you're Jacob right?" I ask.

"I think so, says right here on my name tag," he laughs jokingly.

"Right," I say clearly not amused. His smile drops once he sees the seriousness on my face.

"Is everything okay?" He asks, looking around.

"I'm not sure, did Mary come to work last night?" I ask him.

"Yeah, she was here all evening, left when her shift was over," he says with one eyebrow raised.

"Did she mention going anywhere after work?" I ask him impatiently.

"No, she just said goodbye and that she'll see us today," he says, "is Mary okay?"

"She didn't come home last night," I whisper. There's definitely something wrong. I'm definitely worried now. I hope she showed up to school.

"Thanks Jacob," I say, turning around to leave.

"Wait! Please let me know if you find her or anything, if there's anything I can do to help, here's my number," he writes his number down and hands it to me. I take it and put it in my pocket saying thanks.

I call up Alex twice before she picks up.

"Mary isn't here!" Alex says I soon as she picks up. She's crying and I wait for her to calm down.

"What did they tell you? Did she show up yesterday?" I ask trying to be strong and not cry as well.

"They...they said that she came to school and left along with everyone else. I asked...if I could...speak to her friends, and they told me she was fine....that she said she'll see them today and that she was off to work!" She sobs.

"Okay, Alex, where are you? Come home okay? We can discuss what we are going to do there, calm down please babe," I say pleadingly. Hearing Alex cry breaks my heart, but knowing its because Mary is missing completely shatters it.

Alex loves that girl more than anything, more than herself probably. I hope Mary is okay for the sake of Alex's sanity.

I get in my car and head back to the house, thinking of where Mary could be. Tragedy could not be striking this family again. It just can't be!

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