Kidnapped PT 2 Chapter 3

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Mary POV

I awake feeling extremely cold. As soon as I am conscious, I start to shiver. It feels like I'm in snow. I try to open my eyes but I can't. My hands attempt to reach up to them but I can't. I try to sit up but I can't. I try to open my mouth, scream, ask for help, but I can't. I feel my chest get heavy and my eyes sting as tears force their way out.

I whimper, shivering, the temperature clearly dropping and I wonder if I'm even in California anymore, or in Antartica. My stomach feels so sore and tight like if I'm wearing a really tight dress or shirt. I remember that I was shot, did he fix me up? Is he a doctor? Where is he? Where am I? Why does he want me?

So many questions circling my head and absolutely no answers. I get so frustrated, I begin to shake aggressively hoping to maybe loosen up whatever it is i am tied with. I grunt and whine really loud, hoping someone, anyone, will come and take whatever is covering my eyes and mouth off.

"Please be quiet," someone says, suddenly. I freeze at the sound of another female voice.

The voice doesn't sound very threatening, in fact it sounds like it's scared. Like it fears something. Or someone.

"I'm Mia," she whispers.

"He could be here with us, I suppose. I'm tied up and I can't see," she says nervously.

There's silence for a couple seconds and im about to grunt in response before she asks, "why aren't you talking?"

Suddenly, we hear a door open and I tense up. I hear footsteps headed towards us. Not one, but two. One of them breathing really heavy and dragging their feet. I hear a thud and a grunt, and then I hear one set of footsteps head off in another direction.

The person, whom I assume is on the floor, grunts, and I can tell the voice belongs to a male. The footsteps return and the male begins to grunt again and the shuffling gets a little louder. I try to keep my breathing steady so I won't attract attention to myself but it's difficult because I'm so cold. After a while the footsteps head off in the direction they came from, and then we hear a door close again.

I stay quiet for a couple more minutes, listening, in case the person is still in the room. When I hear nothing, I relax and go back to shivering freely.

"We are so dead," Mia cries.

I frown. What a pessimistic way to think. We don't even know what's going on, besides that some lunatic Has taken us hostage. It's 3 of us, and I suppose one of him. Who knows. Maybe she's been here longer and she knows what she's talking about.

I shrug the idea off. I am not going to die. I refuse.

"Mm mm," I try to say. I try to move around and attempt to get a little more comfortable but it's no use. Whatever I'm on, feels so cold, it's making me feel numb.

"I don't know how long I've been here," Mia continues. "This kooky guy with crazy hair asked me weird questions, and then asked if I wanted to help with some research. I said no, and he punched me, and I woke up here."

Her voice cracks, and she sucks in her breath. I wonder why her mouth isn't covered and mine is. She seems to talk a lot. The other person in the room moans in pain every once in a while, and I hear Mia's sniffles become more steady.

I lay there, worried about my body temperature, when the door opens up again, and the footsteps approach us in a hurry. They stop, and Mia begins to whimper.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She asks frantically. She starts to cry and there's shuffling as she struggles. "Ow! What is that?! What did you do to me? No! Oh my god, what is that? Wha-"

Her voice gets quieter and weaker with each word and eventually she stops talking. I hear a thud and my heart starts beating so fast, I'm scared its gonna explode.

What did he just to do her? Did he kill her?

I'm breathing so hard I don't hear his footsteps til they are right in front of me. He grabs my arm and I try to pull away but I can't. I whimper and grunt behind whatever is covering my mouth, my tears falling again.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain and like with Mia, my grunts and whimpers become quieter and softer. I begin to feel so sleepy, and it doesn't help that my eyes are already closed.

I'm asleep before I know it.


Drip. Drip. Drip.

I scrunch up my face and move it from side to side. Something's falling on it. I attempt to open my eyes and slowly they do. A bright light directly above me causes me to squint and turn my head to the side. My hand automatically reaches up to shield my eyes and I realize they're not tied up anymore. I slowly sit up and feel whatever im laying on slowly rock. I look up again and see that nothing was falling on me. I must've been dreaming. The room is cold but not as cold as before. I look around and see that the room is white. It looks extremely clean.

It looks like I'm in a hospital room.

Confused, I look down at what I'm wearing and see that I am wearing a hospital gown. It feels and looks like I'm in a hospital, yet somehow I know I'm not. There's a steel table next to the bed im on, which now that I see it more clearly, looks like an operating table. There's instruments on the table neatly lined up. I look around the room and it's empty. Nothing but the table, the bed and me. There's no window. The walls are a bright white, and there's a door in the corner with a lock attached to it.

"What the hell is this?" I ask myself. I jump down from the table, my bare feet touching the cold tile floor. I stand there for a couple seconds pondering about what to do next. There's not much I can do but wait I guess. I walk to a corner of the room and sit with my back against the wall, bringing my knees to my chest. My eyes start to sting and I blink back the tears.

At first i thought this guy was your typical 'lunatic obsessed with young girl' kidnapper. Now I'm not so sure. I suddenly remember Mia and the other guy and wonder where they are. I wonder where I am. Am I in the same place as before? In a house? I hate having all these questions and no answers.

We should at least know why we are here. I scratch my arm and get up. I pace the room in circles to keep busy. To keep from crying. I refuse to cry. I need to know why I'm here and how I'm going to get out. I hope Jess and Alex have realized I'm missing and gone for help. I have no idea how they'll find me because that stupid parking lot was empty. No one saw a thing.

I could never be found. I take a deep breath and force those negative thoughts out of my head.

If anyone can find me, it'll be Alex and Jess.

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