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“You’re not the least bit nervous, Em?” Leon asked with that one-dimpled smile of his.

“No. Not at all. Why would I be nervous?” I asked, trying to cram my books into the infuriating small locker. 

“Well, this is your first job,” Paige added, applying a layer of lip gloss to her lips. 

“It’s just babysitting,” I deadpanned with a shrug of my shoulder. “How hard could it be?”

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I was completely wrong.

Babysitting sounds incredibly easy and the pay for doing such a simple task was pleasing to the ears.

What wasn’t pleasing to the ears was the constant whining of the seven-year-old brat in front of me as she argued with Paige like she knew better than the both of us. I watched in shock as Maia – whose innocent brown curls and doe brown eyes deceived her evil personality – yelled at Paige and me.

“This is my house!” Maia said slowly as if she was scolding a five-year-old child. She pointed a tiny finger at us with an angry expression on her round face. “You can’t tell me what to do in my house.”

“Well, excuse me,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. My eyebrows hitched upwards when Maia reciprocated the action. “I’m your babysitter and I’m older than you. I suggest you listen to me, missy!”

“I don’t even know why I still need a babysitter!” Maia yelled, stomping her foot childishly on the tiled floors. “I’m fine by myself.  I act more mature than you two losers.”

Paige scoffed and by the way her head moved side to side, I could tell she was losing her patience. “One, you’re like five – “

“I’m seven,” Maia corrected, inspecting her pink polished nails.

“Whatever,” Paige snapped, throwing her hands up. “Point is, you’re still a child and you will listen to Emma.”

“What if I don’t want to do what Emmy says?” Maia asked, smiling evilly.

“It’s Emma,” I said in aggravation. I sighed, ignoring Paige who was saying something vulgar in Spanish and Leon who was trying hard not to laugh at this situation. “Look, all I asked was that you finished your homework before watching Good Luck Charlie.”

“But, I missed that episode last night! I need to watch it,” Maia whined. When I gave her a stern look, Maia rolled her eyes and walked away. “Whatever, I don’t care what you say because you’re not the boss of me.”

“No te alejes de nosotros, usted pequeño diablo!” Paige yelled out, about to run after her. Leon wrapped an arm around Paige with an alarmed expression. “Walking away while we’re talking to you is very rude! Leon, let go of me!”

Maia turned around with the same evil smile, cocking her tiny head to the side. “I don’t care what you have to say about me. My brother always told me not to care.”

Paige groaned. “Kids now-a-days are fu – effing annoying!”

“Jesus, Paige, calm down,” Leon groaned, giving her a warning look.

“I have three younger siblings and they are nowhere near as vindictive as this little brat!” Paige stated, pushing Leon away from her and crossing her arms over her chest. “I have no idea how you’re going to deal with the devil’s spawn, Emma, but I’m sorry. I’m out of here before she makes one of the veins in my brain combust!”

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