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I wasn’t sure how I managed to climb over and straddle Noah without breaking away from the kiss, but all I could think about was one thing.


His lips moved in perfect synchronization with mine. In my locks, his hands were tangled as he brought me closer to him. Every inch of skin he touched, every ripple of his muscle underneath my hands, every inhale of his cologne, every small groan was enough to make me drunk off of Noah.

There was nothing patient or composed about the kiss we shared. It was filled with want and need. We kissed heatedly, fueled by our previous argument. We fought with each other silently with our lips and bodies, trying to get closer – trying to prove to the other who wanted it more.

Call me cliché, but I felt like everything was perfect. Fireworks exploded behind my closed eyelids. His taste made me crave more. My heart felt like it was going to explode soon from the quick pace of its thudding. Electricity buzzed all around us. It was as if I was simply having a fantasy, dreaming of all of this.

His heart beat erratically underneath my fingertips, his warmth seeping through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. I nibbled on his bottom lip fervently, causing him to press my back into the dashboard. I couldn’t help but shiver when his hands moved down my back and squeezed my hips. Goosebumps rose all over my body. I whimpered when the tip of his tongue stroked mine. I felt his lips turn up in an arrogant smile.

“Conceited,” I mumbled against his lips, but smiled too.

Noah eagerly pressed his lips to mine again. “You’re talking too much.”

We continued kissing, but I slightly pulled away with half open eyes. Our foreheads were pressed together, nose barely touching. Noah’s blue eyes looked dazed as he stared back at me. His hands rubbed at my sides adoringly. I had to tell him something. I had to say it now. He went to kiss my lips again, but I stopped him.

“Wait, wait, wait,” I said, ignoring his pout. “I need to tell you something.”

Noah groaned. “Can we talk later?”

“No, I feel like I need to say it now.” My cheeks flamed. I gripped the fabric of his shirt in my hands with a nod. Without looking away from him, I inhaled deeply as I tried to remain somewhat confident and calm. “I … l l-like you Noah. A lot.”

I felt Noah stiffen underneath me. All of a sudden, I was put back into the driver’s seat and far away from him. However, I was too stunned to say anything and looked at him as I repeatedly opened and closed my mouth.

“Drive,” Noah demanded without looking at me, eyebrows knitted together.

My eyes started to water at his sudden rejection. “W-what?”

“Just drive me home, Emma.”

“N-Noah?” I pathetically stuttered. I tried to grab his hand but he flinched away from me.

“Please just drive, okay?” Noah snapped, leaning against the passenger door.

With my heart slowly and painfully shattering into a million pieces, I started the car without a word. I resisted the urge to cry in front of him the whole silent ride to his house. He didn’t say anything to me either. He stiffly got out of the car and left me in his driveway without another glance.

I felt like crying, but I refused to let a single tear escape. I felt irrevocably idiotic for thinking that Noah Callaway would be interested in someone like me just because he initiated the kiss. Of course he liked somebody else – he said so himself in that conversation with Gray.

Bad TimingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ