Why Poetry?

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I've been writing stories since I was in fifth grade. Then I started writing poetry a couple years later.

At first poetry was a way for me to separate my thoughts. Because sometimes my thoughts are overwhelming. Getting them down on paper, or on here helps a lot.

But then, poetry became something more.

If I could offer just one person a glimpse of hope, just one. That would make all my jumbled up thoughts worth it.

I know how it feels to feel unseen, and unheard.

I don't want anyone to feel that way, and showing people that I understand, and there's someone who's there for you, has become my own sort of therapy.

All I've ever wanted to do in life is help people. Poetry has been a starting place for me.

Everything happens for a reason, you've got to believe that.

Whether it was you finding my poetry, or my poetry finding me.

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