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AN: this will be taking place when all of the sidemen are recording the videos for announcing their book.
*warning cursing throughout the book*

Josh had been excited for this day for awhile, the sidemen are recording 8 videos in one day to announce their new book, and celebrating with different videos on everyone's channel, including the new Sidemen channel. Five out of the seven sidemen had been waiting on the leather couch for more than enough time, waiting for the final two Sidemen to show up, which shouldn't have taken long, considering they live in the same house. Apparently Josh wasn't the only one who thought this, because soon Ethan said, "Where the hell are JJ and Simon? They live here they should be ready by now." Nods were exchanged by the five men in the room, followed by Harry stating,
"There probably making out or some shit. Honestly who knows with them." Laughs were heard as Josh and Vik shared a look, they had discussed the relationship between Simon and JJ before. They both live in the same house as them, and have seen them cuddling or sleeping in the same bed numerous times, and have both been wondering what is going on between them, or if they even notice. Josh gives Vik a questioning look, trying to ask should we talk to them? Vik seems to get the message because he's soon nodding back.
"I don't know. It's been different lately, it's like," Josh paused, thinking of how to word his next thought, " it's like they fancy each other, like, for real." The boys in the room pondered this, of course they had noticed. It was undeniable that the pair flirted and cuddled more than the average best friends. They flirted in videos and real life, causing them to realize that they weren't doing it just for the videos. All of the other five sidemen had thought about this at one point, but have never chose to talk to the others about it. But now that they hear it coming from Josh who lives with them, it just seems like the only explanation. Tobi took everyone out of their train of thought by saying " I definitely see that. I don't think anyone can really deny that. I just think that they don't want to tell the other because there worried about what could happen if the other doesn't feel the same way."
There were "yeah"s and "true"s coming from the group on the couch, and Ethan said, " I mean I just don't get it. It's pretty obvious. Have they not seen the way they constantly flirt?" A few chuckles were heard around the room, they all knew that was true.
"So what do we do?" Questions Vik, " should we try to get them to confess, or realize that the other likes them too?"
Tobi responds saying, "I don't know, maybe if we can get one of them to confess their feelings toward the other to one of us that would help, though the only person JJ has deep talks with is really just Simon, so is there anyway we can get Simon to talk? Or is there anytime where you thought he was going to confess his feelings?" They knew what Tobi said about Jj and Simon was true, but they were also thinking about a time where Simon could have tried to confess to one of them. There was no occurrence of that happening that anyone could think of, except for the oldest sidemen Josh, saying "well, there was this one time...
Josh was at his desk editing videos, just doing his normal routine, when there was a shy knock at the door. "Come in" Josh somewhat shouted, taking off his headphones. The door slowly opened to reveal a red eyed tear stained Simon, who quickly shut the door and sat down on Josh's bed, looking down. Josh was surprised to see Simon in this state, but quickly walked over to him and sat down asking, "Simon what's wrong?" Simon sat there for awhile, occasionally sniffing before saying "I just, I don't know. I'm just feeling a lot, I've been very... confused lately." I was confused by what that exactly meant, but nonetheless put my arm around his shoulders and said "Do you want to talk about it? Do you want me to get JJ?" I had been confused about why he had first came to me and not JJ, he and Jide were always the first to know about everything the other had to say or was feeling, and if he did come to me he had already cried to JJ. Simon started to to form more tears in his eyes, quickly shaking his head and saying " I don't think that's the best idea because, well" Simon was quickly cut off by the door opening, and JJ saying as he walked in "Hey Josh I thought I heard crying and" but soon stopped as he saw Simon, and quickly ran over and hugged him asking him if he was ok and what happen and if he wanted to talk about it. Simon just started to cry more, leaning into JJ, and JJ said "we're going to go into my room" I just nodded as they walked away. The next day I saw the two cuddled up in JJ's bed, and assumed the problem was resolved.
-Flashback over-
"I had wondered what Simon was confused about, or why he didn't want to see JJ, but do you think ?" I wondered, looking at everyone. "That Simon had realized his feeling for JJ and went you for advice because he couldn't talk to JJ but he ended up interrupting and has had his feelings bottled up?" Harry finished for me, "then yes." Everyone was quiet, taking that all in. It's almost certain that their two best friends like each other more than friends, so what should they do? None of them have ever had to handle a situation like this, but they knew they had to get the two together. Ethan broke the silence and said "I'm guessing that everyone is cool with trying to get JJ and Simon together, so how about we do all of our recordings and make sure to let JJ and Simon have their "flirty" moments, and while editing the videos we'll put all of those moments into a video and show it to them, to hopefully have them see what we see?"
Everyone thought about Ethan's proposition, and it sounded pretty good, probably the best they would be able to come up with,
so Vik said, "That sounds like a great idea Ethan, I think we have our plan."

Everyone agreed to the plan, praising Ethan for coming up with such a smart idea,
"especially since your not the brightest"
"oh fuck off Josh"
Then they heard and bang from upstairs and a playfully annoyed shout of "Jide!" From Simon, and soon enough JJ and Simon emerged with JJ holding Simon bridal style and Simon fake pouting. "Should we even ask?" Asked Josh, smirking.
"JJ scared me while I was walking down the stairs and I fell" Simon said, frowning even more. "But, I did say sorry and then carried you downstairs" JJ said while putting Simon down on the couch. "So?" Simon asked scooting as far away from JJ as he could. "Oh shut up." JJ said while pulling Simon close to him, and he cuddled up into JJ. The other sidemen smiled at each other, thinking this should be interesting.

AN: Oh wow the first chapter is done, and there is more to come. I hope you like it so far and the more ksimon stuff/fluff is coming soon, so get ready.

1298 words

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