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AN: Alrighty, this update will mention the video on Tobi's channel (TBJZL) The sidemen are Liars. This update will be mainly around the video in the media, if you can't see it it's Simons (miniminters) video The Ultimate Sidemen Q&A!!!! (So many exclamation marks ok Simon) around 0:24 to 0:39 and 1:56 to 2:57. Anyways, let's do this;)

The first video was done and the sidemen were recording a video for Tobi's channel, The Sidemen are Liars. Laughs we're shared throughout the video as the boys They were learning new weird things about each other and having a good time. The video was quickly over and enjoyed by all, but, in the back of Vik's mind he was somewhat disappointed about there being no new Ksimon moments that stood out. Vik had always found the twos relationship to be adorable. He couldn't help it, he had always secretly shipped them. He couldn't wait for each recording in hope of more "evidence" to show them. Vik had lived with them for a while, and he just didn't understand how it wasn't super obvious to the other, but that will remain a mystery. For now all he can do is help them along the way, in hopes that their plan will work, and that they won't mess up what Simon and JJ have.

The third video was starting soon, this time it was Simons video, The Ultimate Sidemen Q&A. Josh was sat on the couch to the left of Simon with Ethan next to Josh. Everyone else was on the opposite side of Simon except for JJ, who wasn't on the couch yet, because he was going to the bathroom before the video was going to start. JJ came back and looked at Josh, he had been sitting there before he had went to the bathroom, and he secretly wanted to be next to Simon, as usual. "Bro move." JJ said to Josh, who said back "what"
"Move you took my spot man"
Josh raised his eyebrows at the others, usually if this happens JJ just moves to the open seat, but Josh was next to Simon, and he didn't think that was a coincidence. Trying to play with JJ even more, Josh smirked and said a clear "No."
"Come on just move to the left a bit" JJ said, however Josh didn't budge. "Sorry Josh but you might want to move over, it's not worth the fight" Simon said to Josh, sighing about how petty JJ could be. Josh looked at Ethan and shook his head moving to the left letting JJ sit down, and Ethan whisper to Josh "protective much" and they both laughed. "Are you ok now Jide?" Simon asked JJ, somewhat mocking him. " Yeah yeah whatever" JJ said, frowning a bit at how obvious his crush on Simon seemed to him, and probably everyone else. He was fighting about sitting next to Simon, he felt like he was back in middle school. "Oh stop frowning Jide" Simon said, pulling JJ into him with a hug, and JJ did seem to loose his frown, Simon just had that effect on him.

Simon was looking through his phone at all the questions he had prepared, and he was nervous. He always got nervous doing Q&A videos with other people. People, especially the Sidemen, could be unpredictable in their answers. When it was just him recording he could think about the answer and not say anything too stupid, Simon was always worried about those things. But, nonetheless Simon was ready to start the video, and prepared for whatever will happen. Simon started to inro, loudly saying, "Hey guys and welcome to the sidemen Q&A! I have done a Q&A with everyone solo, but now we're all here so yeah."
"Lets congratulate ourselves" JJ said, clapping, and the others joined in. Once that was done Simon started to say "before we get into it we have an announcement" and JJ wrapped his arms around Simon tightly, smiling, but screamed, being poked in to side by Josh, making Simon stop from the sudden sound. JJ and Josh started to laugh and the others joined in, beginning the video.

Simon read aloud the next question "Describe each sidemen with one word." Ethan was first, and he was decided as boisterous. Then Josh, who was decided as formal. Then JJ, who was kind of undecided, even though electrocuted was suggested, because of his hair. Then it was Simon, who had no idea what he would be. "Prick" was said by Josh, followed by "fucking asshole" from JJ. The boys on the couch laughed lightly, and Ethan said "mean, spiteful" which had agreements from others. Simon was just sitting in the middle, looking left and right as these comments flew around. "Bully" JJ said, "he hurts my feelings" and a final " stubborn" from Ethan and Josh agreeing, saying "stubborns a good one." And moving on to Vik.

The video was done recording and everyone was sitting on the couch. Simon was thinking about the video, and he just couldn't get when everyone was describing him out of his head. He knew that everyone was joking, of course they were, but that was just how Simon was. A lot of the times Simon did not think to highly of himself, and to hear things that had been inside of his head said out loud, joking or not, he just couldn't help but overthink it. JJ looked at Simon noticing his quietness, and asked him if he wanted to go with him to get something to drink, and Simon agreed. JJ had a feeling he knew what Simon was thinking about, Simon had voiced his worries to him before, which lead to some hugging and reassurance from JJ. The two entered the kitchen and JJ said "Simon why are you being so quiet?"
"What I'm not" Simon said, though without much confidence.
"Come on Si I know when something is up, is this about the describe each Sidemen with one word thing?" JJ was spot on and he knew it, but Simon just wanted to hide, he hated when he had these insecure moments, especially when he has to record all day. Simon wanted to lie, but he knew it was no use, JJ always knew when he was lying. "I-I guess." Simon said, looking down at the floor. JJ lifted Simons chin up so he was looking at him and said confidently, "Simon none of those things are true. Everyone loves you, you can't think like that, you my best friend and the best person I know, so please don't worry about it." Simon wanted to kiss JJ right then and there, but instead settled for a much needed hug. JJ rubbed circles into Simons back as Simon whispered "thank you" into his ear. JJ smiled and pulled back a little, kissing Simon forehead, whispering back, "no problem si." And stood there hugging each other, while Harry and Tobi stood in the doorway, recording this and smiling at the two, before Turing off their phones and quietly walking away, while the pair stood there in embrace for a little longer.

AN: Ooo more fluff, I have some plans for the next chapters , so get ready. Next time I will hopefully update earlier, I like updating on Saturdays, but oh well. I hope you liked this chapter, more is on the way:) (also my word count is always in the 1200's, how I don't know.)

1260 words

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