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AN: Sorry about the later update, I've been sick, but I'm getting better. Anywho, this story will mention Vik's (vikstar123) video The sidemen Chubby Bunny Challenge and be mostly around Ethan's (Bezinga) video (in media) Sidemen Pictionary Challenge at 0:00 to 0:10 and 0:54 to 1:01 and JJ's (KSI) video The Sidemen Strength Challenge at 3:29 to 3:40 and 4:00 to 4:16. Hope you enjoy!

The sidemen had finished their third recording and were getting ready for the next video for Vik's channel. Everyone was helping set up, whether it was setting up the camera or getting the marshmallows ready, all of the boys were occupied. Ethan was occupied, but more with his thoughts. He was watching JJ and Simon, they were together of course, and he couldn't help but find the situation funny. For a whole year Emon had been so strong, though Ethan and Simon weren't a couple, their fanbase had tremendously supported it. Simon would always claim that he's not gay, and he and Ethan both agreed that it had to stop, and so it did. But here Ethan was, staring at Simon as he watched him literally hold another man's hand and lean or cuddle into him. Ethan just couldn't help but see the irony. Both Simon and Ethan had tried so hard to stop Emon so people would stop calling them gay, when really all along Simon had been gay, but obviously for someone else. Ethan was happy that Simon liked JJ so much and that JJ liked Simon so much, but he couldn't deny that it wasn't a little bit surprising. Now here they are, Ethan still not gay, but Simon literally likes a dude, his best friend, even though he has heavily denied the thought of him being gay. It seemed almost scandalous, if you thought about it. But nonetheless it was now reality, and Ethan couldn't wait for his mates to finally realize what the Sidemen had noticed. Everyone was ready for Vik's video, and they started.

The fourth video was done. Many laughs were shared, but nothing really happened between JJ and Simon during the recording other than a few touches here and there. Vik was a little disappointed, but was hopeful for the next video for Ethan's channel, the sidemen pictionary challenge. The white board was set up and everyone sat down. JJ linked his arm with Simon, and then Ethan, not wanting anything to be too obvious. Ethan did his intro and became unhooked with JJ's arm, but JJ and Simon were still linked, which Josh noticed. Ethan was explaining the rules Harry noticed JJ whispering to Simon while touching his arm. All he heard was JJ whispering "bro your muscles are weak" and Simon responding, "you don't like them?" And a "no" coming from JJ, causing Simon to frown and unhook himself from JJ. JJ immediately said " No I'm kidding Si come back here" while re-hooking the twos arms together. Harry just shook his head and listened back to Ethan, while mentally rolling his eyes.

Ethan's video was over and Simon couldn't help but think about what JJ had said. He knew he was joking, it was JJ. He didn't want this to affect him like the last time so he put it behind him, reminding himself that it was a joke, and got ready for JJ's video the Sidemen Strength Challenge. Simon couldn't lie, he was worried about this video the most, he knew he wasn't the strongest guy, he was lanky and more built for speed. He didn't know what he was going to do. JJ had reassured him about this just last night, Simon had told him about his worries, and JJ told him not to do anything he feels uncomfortable with, so Simon was planning to do just that. He was worried about what the other guys would think if he didn't try something, they don't really know the extent of Simons situation, but he was hoping that they won't give him too much shit for no being able to do something.

The video started and the first activity was bench pressing, which Simon was particularly unexcited for. Everyone had gotten through the first two rounds of bench pressing and they were onto the third round, benching 50 kgs. Simon was worried about embarrassing himself, and he knew that he just couldn't and didn't want to continue. He was next to JJ while Ethan was lifting and said "I think I'm going to withdraw." And JJ said "That's fine, no one will make fun of you, as I said, do what makes you comfortable." It was Simons turn and he sat down and grabbed the bar, then sat up and said "I would like to withdraw before I shit myself" the boys in the room laughed, With an "oh no" in the background, and Simon was out of the competition. He was glad that that went smoothly, not wanting to have another episode. The video continued, Simon watched others lift and then it was Vik's turn. Vik sat down and said "I'm actually the number one weight lifter." Earning a few laughs. He grabbed the bar and pulled it down, but tried to push it up and said "I can't" and Tobi pulled it up for him. The others laughed and clapped as Vik stood up, and Harry said "you still did better than Simon"
Simon tried to defend himself but Harry cut him off, saying "You fucking pussied out he tried it man, come on." Simon knew he was right. Maybe he should have tried it. But he knew if he tried it and failed there would just be comments about how weak he is. Simon never knew what the best thing to do was, because everyone was agreeing with Harry, shaking their heads at Simon. Simon just felt very alone at that moment, so he just stood there and watched the others lift, not knowing what to do.

That challenge was over and everyone was putting the weights away. JJ noticed that Simon was being extra quiet, again, and he knew that he was over thinking things. Everyone was busy so JJ took this opportunity to hug Simon from behind and whisper in his ear "Are you ok?" Simon just shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to make a scene. JJ knew he wasn't and said " Don't worry about not lifting, it was your decision and you did the right thing. I get why you did it and Harry was just joking. Please don't take it seriously, it's just a video." Simon turned around in JJ's embrace so he was facing him and said "thanks again JJ, your too good to me." And JJ pulled him closer saying "Well somebody has to, because for whatever reason your not good to yourself, and you deserve the world." That really touched Simon. He wasn't surprised why he liked JJ. He wanted JJ to be his so badly, but he didn't want to ruin anything, and he definitely didn't have the guts to do it. So he stood in JJ's embrace for awhile, not noticing the other guys in the room, who stopped what they're doing and recorded that scene, smiling to each other. He just seemed to forget what's around him when he was in JJ's comforting embrace, and he never wanted that to change.

AN: Ok chapter done. There were three videos mentioned, which I hope is fine. And also there is only one video in the media, but I hope that's ok, I wasn't quite sure how to add more than one video. But I hope you liked the chapter, and once again sorry it's late. Also, more fluff on the way, as always.

1330 words

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