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AN: Ok another chapter, sorry again for a later update. This update will be around Sidemen Olympics on Harry's (W2S) channel at 2:07 to 2:15 and 5:14 to 5:40. Enjoy!

The next last recording of the day was starting soon, and Simon was particularly excited for this video. It was the Sidemen Olympics, and Simon was ready. He loved being outside, though his job somewhat prevented that, he still loved the fresh air. He and JJ would often take walks together when they were free, sometimes talking and sometimes just walking. Simon loved moments like that, and loved getting outside after spending days in a row trapped inside. Everything was set up, the boys had their flags on, the net was set up, and the video was ready to go.

After the first challenge of hitting buckets with a big tennis ball, Harry was introing the next challenge, the "golf football putting challenge".
JJ and Simon were behind Harry, like everyone else, but were a bit distracted by each other, as usual. Simon put his Canadian flag over JJ's head, covering the both of them. He leaned his head towards his ear and whispered "hey."
JJ laughed and was uncovered, their little moment over as the intro was done.

The video was doing good, all of the boys were having fun. It was time for the keepy-ups challenge which Simon and the others were excited for. JJ, Ethan, Harry, Vik, Josh, and Tobi had went, 31 as the best score. Everyone and Simon knew he could beat that and he started. He did them fast, quickly getting to around 15, when Harry came in and slide tackled an unsuspecting Simon. The two fell to the ground, holding their foot while the boys around them were at first shocked them laughed. JJ saw this unfold and immediately wanted to run up to Simon and make sure he was ok, but resisted, telling himself he would once the camera was off. He heard Josh saying "Get the camera!" So he grabbed the camera to distract himself, and said " Yo, he just slid in and just, we injured our striker and our fucking defender, great." He put the camera down and turned it off and ran to Simon, who was facedown on the ground holding his foot and he rushed to ask, "Are you ok? Do you need anything? Ice? Is anything broken?" Simon turned to look at JJ and said "I'm fine it just stings a bit."
"Ok I'll get you ice" JJ said running into the house. Simon slightly smiled at JJ's overreaction, and looked over at Harry. He was also on the ground with some of the other boys watching him. "Someone might want to get Harry some ice, I have a feeling JJ won't bring back enough for two." The others thought about that and laughed about how true that was, and Josh, Tobi, and Ethan went inside to get some, leaving Simon, Harry, and Vik outside. Simon and Harry were sitting up and Vik was next to them, asking, "are you guys ok?"
"Yeah" said Harry, "my toe just kills"
"Same" said Simon, "but more of my ankle"
Vik looked at the two and laughed about their slight stupidity, wondering how Harry thought that this would have turned out well.
"Sorry about this" Harry said, motioning towards their feet.
"It's cool, sorry about JJ being a bit of a prick and not thinking about getting you ice too," said Simon. Harry thought about that, he wasn't surprised when it happened and he wasn't angry. "It's cool" he said, " JJ seems to really care about you ya know." Simon smiled and blushed while looking down saying " yeah, I guess so." The three sat in silence on the ground. Harry was pleased with how this day had turned out, even though hurting Simon was the reason he's seeing JJ as he is now, he didn't mind, and it didn't seem like Simon did Either. Four figures emerged from the house, one running, and came over to the three sitting on the ground. Josh threw the ice pack to Harry, who caught it, and yelled "thanks!"
JJ ran to Simon and knelt down, putting the ice pack on his foot. "Are you ok? Is this helping? Do you nee-" JJ was cut off by Simon saying, "JJ I'm fine, thanks for the ice pack. Now shut up and stop worrying, and sit down."
And JJ did just that, sitting on the ground next to Simon, leaning in the arm that was quickly wrapped around him, whispering "I won't ever stop worrying, you know that." Simon nodded and blushed, pulling JJ close, wondering how he got this lucky.

The video was done and all of the sidemen were on the couch, exhausted from the long day of recordings. They were all splattered around the room, Tobi and Josh against the couch on the floor, Ethan, Harry, and Vik against the wall, and JJ and Simon on the couch. They were talking about random things, they always seemed to do that. They had ordered pizza, and were eating. They boys in the room noticed that JJ and Simon were sharing a piece of pizza but didn't mention it. They also noticed how close they were, even thought there always close, they couldn't help but notice a difference. The way that they did it so causally, the way they looked at each other while they talked and smiled, and how Simon would take a bite of pizza and then bring it up to JJ to eat. The two would occasionally giggle when pizza sauce would get all over their mouth, the other wiping it away. The sidemen just wanted them to be together. It would make things easier and less awkward, there would be no more weird confrontations or knowing smiles. And in all honesty Simon and JJ were also ready. They constantly were holding themselves back from kissing each other to avoid awkward situations, and they didn't want to hold themselves back from there feelings anymore. But there was always this uncertainty and worry, but little did they know that that would soon vanish, thanks to the boys surrounding them. Simon grabbed JJ's hand and JJ raised a questioning eyebrow. Simon said, " my hands are cold." JJ nodded and squeezed his hand, earning a smile from the boy. They were comfortable, happy, and soon getting a surprise from the people closest to them, changing the pairs relationship forever.

AN: this is the last update that includes a video, and there will probably only 1-2 updates left :( but I am working on a one-shots book that will be out after this book, so I would recommend that you check it out (shameless plug) but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying the book. Next chapter will be very fluffy and will probably make many people (including me) happy. (Also thanks for the support <3)

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