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I feel the hot, sharp, twist of terror before I even open my eyes.

My mind swims in shock, trying to process the rude awakening from sleep.

Jimmy's massive hand grabbing me, half awake, from the bunk and forcing me onto my feet. Luke's wild yelling. Men scrambling around me. Unearthly screaming. Loud gunfire. Bright flares.

Tommys pale face is illuminated by an unusually bright light and the sound of the loud blast rings through my ears.

I'm temporarily deafened and I stagger forwards straight into another soldier. He screams something I'm unable to comprehend into my face and shoves my gun into my limp hands.

I stand dumbly, unable to grasp what's happening as everyone rushes around me.

"The Germans are in the fucking trench!"

Luke's voice finally pierces my dumb confusion and I'm suddenly alert, as if I've been plunged into icy water.

A night raid.

I scramble for my gas mask and make to run out of the dug out after the other men. As a turn something catches my eye. Huddled up in a corner, hiding as best he can, as usual, is Private Goodham.

"You coward." I hiss. He flinches as I launch myself at him and grab him by the collar throwing him on all fours in front of me. I aim a sharp kick at his backside and with a look of pure loathing at me, he grabs his gun and scrambles out ahead of me.

It's pure mayhem. Men run blindly down the trenches, shouting conflicting information. If I didn't know better I would swear the Germans knew that out new commander arrived just hours ago, they couldn't have picked a better night for a raid. No one seems to know who is in charge.

I stand still in the chaos for a moment, trying to work out where I need to be. Most of the men seem to be rushing to the area where our machine guns are, the obvious worry being that our equipment will be stolen.

I make to follow them before hesitating. It seems like everyone is running to the same place, leaving gaps further down the trench. I try to shout out to the men running past me but my voice is lost in the mayhem.

I turn and begin to fight through the surge. The mud is sticky and I slip my way way along.

The surge thins out abruptly and I realise I'm alone in the darkness. It's quieter down here, the commotion is well behind me.

Away from the chaos I have time to think. I pause for a moment. The still air blankets me in its inky blackness and I realise that I'm completely vulnerable. This was a stupid idea. What if I stumble on a group of Germans? I wouldn't stand a chance. I turn quietly to make my way back, I need to tell the other-

The sound is so muffled that if I wasn't running on adrenaline alone, I'd probably miss it.

It comes from the darkest part of the trench ahead of me and I immediately flatten myself against the wall, slowly cocking my gun. There's a long silence. No one else is about and I consider edging my way back towards the light before it comes again. Muffled movement and a low voice speaking unfamiliar words.

The sudden flare of light is so bright it's like a flash of daylight. I flatten myself to the wall and take in as much as I can.

Just two of them. Stupidly, one seems to be holding both guns while the other stops rummaging in his backpack and jumps in fear of the sudden light. The older solider hisses a few harsh words at him and as the light begins to fade I step forward in a swift movement and aim my gun at chest and fire. The crack of the bullet is lost to the sound of another bright flare.

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