Chap 19

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I had to write this chapter twice since my Microsoft word decided to stop working and erase everything I wrote! I was so PISSED >:( so I honestly don't like how this chapter turned out. BUT tell me what you think.


My body was submerged in heat as he took over, a rush of tingles spread over my body and hair sprouted. My bones cracked and popped in place, that should have been painful but I was used to it by now. My hands and feet soon morphed into paws; now I was on all fours, a snout took the place of my human nose. My ears perked up at every sound, shaking my body I accepted the change of my wolf form.

I was in the Blue territory which is another name for my packs land. Our pack name was 'The Blue Moon Pack', and I could hear all the members that were in wolf form talking to each other. A little thing only Alpha's or future Alpha's could do. I remember hearing them when I first turned a couple of years ago so I had learned how to tune them out.

I haven't given into my wolf for so long now that when I was at football practice I constantly felt on edge. Right now was a perfect time to let him roam free. He tore through the woods enjoying the freedom of the wind whipping through his fur, the soft dirt under his paws.

I needed this after today, after being so close to Aiden and what I could have done to him in that hallway. I sighed, I just wanted to be close to him in some way and playing the friend role seemed the only way to go without crossing that line but I almost ruined it by biting him. But when he touched me I lost it, my wolf was there taking control and pulling him into my arms.

I could hear the thump of my paws hit the forest floor bringing up chunks of dirt and grass. The trees were passing by in a blur; I could hear the birds singing on the tops of them. The stress of the day was melting away a little. But I couldn't stop thinking about how warm he was and that mysterious sweet smell that could only be his; it called to me. When I felt the heat of his body, the soft skin at the base of his neck caressing my face I knew I would have done it, I felt the ache in my canines as well as my groin.

I took a sharp turn down a little hill till I was running alongside a large rocky stream. The damp air ran through my black fur in a soothing manner. He was moaning my name with those sexy pink lips of his and I was brought back to Georgina's, when I was wishing that all her moans and whimpers were his. He did make me harden exponentially with those little sounds of his.

I ran across a fallen tree that lay over the stream, and jogged to the other side still along the stream. My wolf had a lot of pent up energy and this was the only things to calm him down, calm him from going to Aiden at this very moment and claiming him as ours.

I took a small rest walked over to the edge of the stream and lapped up some of the crisp cold water.

I had him, my lips were on his soft skin and I could feel my canines extending, It would only take a moment just to sink my teeth into his vulnerable flesh and at that thought I knew I had to leave. So I did, I ran away like an idiot and here I was running out my pent up frustrations. My ears perked up at the sound of the soft crunch of wet leaves. Lifting my head and swiftly turning around to see an annoyed looking Dom coming out of the coverage of the trees.

'How do you always know' he complained through our mind link.

I laughed as I watched him come to stand beside me. His brown eyes glaring at me playfully, I don't know why but only my father and I has the yellow eyes. All Alphas have a certain color to their eyes I guess it has to do with the Alpha genes to show people who their messing with.

'You can't sneak up on 'Liam the Great'' I joked with a wolfy grin as I bumped shoulders with him. He scoffed before dipping his head down to lap some water. I sat on my hunches as I watched him, his dark brown coat shining in the minimal light that shone through the cover of the trees.

All It Took Was One Look (BoyxBoy) {Book1: Blue Moon Series}[Sample](On Amazon!)Where stories live. Discover now