Chap 24

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Aiden was lying between my legs as we sat in the grass staring out at the sparkling water of the lake. I was beyond content. My fingers were caressing my mark on his neck lightly in slow circles, sending constant shivers to wrack his body. But I couldn't seem to stop touching him. He was mine. All mine and no one was going to take him from me. Right now he was asking questions about me and my pack.

"So you're a werewolf." he said. Chuckling I buried my face in the back of his hair, I couldn't get enough of his scent.

"Yeah." I muffled in his hair. I was still a little amazed at how well he was taking all this. I was ready for him to freak out and reject me. That certainly would have crushed me.

"So are you an Underworld wolf or a Twilight wolf?" He laughed looking at me upside down. I raised my brows up at him.

"Really?" He turned to face me on his knees.

"Well yeah, I'm curious." His eyes were wide with interest, like he was going to hear a juicy secret. I couldn't help but smile,

"I really don't want to compare myself to movies but if I had to pick I guess I would say I'm more of a twilight wolf?" I said halfheartedly. His eyes light up.

"So you're a huge dog." His voice filled with awe. I grimaced at being compared to a pet.

"No Aiden, I'm a werewolf and we're far from being domesticated pets." I pouted a little annoyed at the comparison. It was no compliment being compared to a dog. I mean yeah wolves are part of the canine family but we're far from being someone's pet. We're wild creature that need to be free. Aiden must have seen the look on my face and became a bit sheepish.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." My wolf growled suddenly, reprimanding me for making him feel guilty.

"No, no it's fine, I'm sorry." I apologized pushing him gently to his back on the grass and proceeded to hover over him.

"I'm sorry." I repeated, kissing him softly. He sighed against my lips looking up at me with his adorable innocent blue eyes.

"How is it, that you can make me feel like this?" He asked tenderly.

"Everything your feeling, I feel it ten times over. We are meant for each other Aiden. " I answered burring my face in his neck,

"What do you mean?" I pulled back a little gazing down at his him debating on if I should tell him yet.

"You're my mate, Aiden" I finally said. His eyes widened,

"Your mate? What's that?"

"It means that, of all the people on this earth the Wolf Spirits picked you for me and no one else." Aiden just stared at me. "We're meant to be"

He let out an overwhelmed breath.

"I know this is a lot to take in" he nodded.

"Yeah." Rolling over I laid on my back, staring up at the dark green leaves of the trees. The bright blue sky and oddly shaped clouds passing over head.

"So, were you changed into a wolf, like with a bite?" He asked his gaze still on the sky.

"No, I was born a werewolf."

"Oh, can you be turned?" I shook my head looking over at him.

"No, that's a myth." I chuckled. He turned on his side to face me, leaning up on his elbow.

"Can you only turn on a full moons?" he smiled.

"Another myth" I laughed. "We can turn whenever we want."

All It Took Was One Look (BoyxBoy) {Book1: Blue Moon Series}[Sample](On Amazon!)Where stories live. Discover now