Chapter 3

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When I woke up the next morning, I was not expecting Evan to still sleep beside me. He'd be gone by the time morning rolled up. I'd find him either working or working out. Somedays I would dream that he was in bed with me the morning after. I took time to observe him when he was sound asleep.

He was so beautiful and powerful. A fine specimen of a virile male. He looked perfect. The blanket was barely covering his body, teasing me with the outline of his muscles underneath.

He stirred in his sleep, and I quickly turned away afraid of being caught watching him. I thought he had fallen asleep, but I was wrong. Warm hands covered my naked body. I knew he was awake. I felt his hands on my belly drawing tiny circles on the skin which sent blood rushing through my veins. He cupped my breasts in his hand and squeezed me.

"What are you.."

"Shh.." I was about to protest when he silenced me.

I shut up when he showered me with feather light kisses on my bare shoulder. Then his hands moved lower on my body. If he'd touch me between my legs, he'd find out how ready I was for him.

"I like when you are so ready for me." He whispered in my ear. A moment later he was pushing a single finger inside me. I moaned. My hands fisted the pillow above me, and sweet pleasure began to build inside me. Evan toyed with me, played me until I was at his mercy and begging for more.

"Why did you stop?" I asked frustrated when he pulled out his fingers. He looked disheveled like a well satisfied male. He just said three simple words that had me widening my eyes.

"Ride me, baby."

"You mean me on top?" Never in the two years of our marriage had he let me be in charge. He was dominant, in and out of the bed and I enjoyed the passion he reserved for me. Needless to say, I was flabbergasted.

"Yes." He simply ordered.

There was no shame, no hesitation and no word spoke. Just love between us.


Being an assistant wasn't an easy job. Especially when the boss was your husband. I had to take care of him and his things not just because I was getting paid but because it was my duty to make his life easier as his wife. The first task in hand was making coffee for Evan. "It tastes like nectar." He had once said to me when I made the beverage for him. Silly me had blushed and served him with my own hands since. That was five years ago.

I knocked on the door and let myself in. He was waiting impatiently tapping the pen on the desk. Evan was a coffee addict, but he would never accept it.

"You are late." I saw a mischievous smile on his lips. Uh oh! My boss was up to something.

"I'm sorry, boss. Someone had me up all night, so I slept extra today." I teased. It was true. After we had made love for the second time this morning, I had dozed off. Evan had slyly left me without waking me up. Something told me it was done deliberately. God knows, he loved punishing me.

"You need to be taught how to be punctual next time. Coffee?" He pointed. I passed him the mug and watched him enjoy his first sip. I could see the attitude change and knew that he was back to boss mode.

Evan instructed me on the tasks for today and I noted it down on my device. I also made a mental not to call the cafe down two blocks to have some pastries delivered for the clients during the meeting.

"Anything else?" I asked ready to take down notes.

"A kiss would do." It wasn't unlike him to do the dirty at work. But he was in a different mood today and looked, dare I say, almost happy. The Evan I knew was a serious man. Nonetheless, I liked this side of him too. I rounded up to him and made myself comfortable on his lap. "Are you sure you want your assistant to kiss you, Mr. Carter? What about your wife?" He gave me a wicked grin and pulled me down for a deep kiss.

"My wife will be happy to know I'm well taken care of." He flashed me a naughty grin unfazed by the stain left by my lipstick.

I quickly pulled out a paper napkin and wiped his lips. I pulled another tone and cleaned the smeared color from my mouth before I forgot, and someone saw me. I could only imagine the gossip spreading around. I shuddered to think how Evan would react to that scandal.

I returned to work, carrying out my usual tasks. I was present at the several meetings Evan attended throughout the day. I took down important notes, highlighted points and helped Evan in his work. By the time I was done it was already the end of the workday.

"Get me a coffee." The tone of command rubbed me the wrong way.

"Coffee, Rose." This time his voice was commanding and cold. I still didn't move.

"Don't order me around." I replied. "Then don't make me repeat myself." He snapped. The irritation in his voice was evident.

"You're stressed about work, I get it. But please don't talk to me like that." It was the least I deserved.

"Is it so hard for you to do your goddamn job?" The way he snapped at me made tears well up in my eyes. I didn't understand what had gone wrong. All was well between us. His hot and cold behavior confused me.

I held back my tears and fetched him his fix.

"You can go home." He said not looking my way.


It was nearly eight in the night, but Evan wasn't back. I was scrolling through my phone mindlessly and landed upon my mom's number. I debated for a moment before hitting the call button. It rang for a few seconds before the call was declined. Just like I expected. Like always, she had declined the call.

"Are you crying, Rose?" Evan's voice broke through the silence. I wiped my tears and looked away from him not wanting him to see me cry.

"Shit! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you earlier. I can't see you crying. I am sorry, baby. I am so sorry." He cupped my face in his hands and tenderly wiped my tears. I buried my face in his chest and cried some more. When I was done sobbing, he studied my face.

"I am not upset because of you." Even though I was glad he had cared enough to apologize for treating me the way he did. "I tried calling mom." I saw him exhale a breath of relief.

"I won't tell you to stop calling your parents, Rose. But you end up hurting yourself by calling them repeatedly. If they can't be bothered to speak to you, maybe it's time to forget about them. You don't need them. I am there for you." I knew he meant to pacify me but how could I not need my parents? I loved them. It had been two years since I had last seen them or heard their voice. They still hadn't forgiven me for what I did.

Two years ago, I introduced Evan to my parents and my sister. They had made it very clear to me that they did not approve of our relationship and thought I deserved someone better. I didn't blame them for caring about me. Evan had the reputation of being a playboy who discarded women more than one discards their own linen. Not to mention, he lacked the warmth they expected of my boyfriend. It was even worse when my dad found out he was an atheist. Everyone told me I was being ridiculous by having a relationship with him. I was forced to break things with him. I had tried everything in my power to convince my parents, but they were adamant. Nothing I did convinced them of how much I loved him.

I couldn't imagine my life without the man I loved and made a decision that cost me my family. Marrying Evan against my parents' wishes had gotten me disowned but I was ready to live with that decision.

After dinner Evan had passed out in my arms, but I couldn't sleep. I headed down to his study and picked out a book and immersed myself in it. That did the trick. I could shut off my brain and keep the thoughts of the past from haunting me. Sometime later I felt Evan's arms carry me to the room. The mattress hit my back and within seconds I was out.

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