Chapter 12

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After a three-day hiatus, Evan stormed back into the office, setting a frenetic pace that had the entire team scrambling. As his assistant, I was at the epicenter of this whirlwind. I hastily jotted down his dictations, rescheduled his appointments, and even offered to stand in for him in less critical meetings.

Despite the madness, I found myself not complaining. The memory of the past three days, spent blissfully lounging on the beach, was still fresh in my mind. I would do anything to relive those tranquil moments. But for now, it was back to the grind, catering to Evan's demands and fetching his coffee. The day was nothing short of a whirlwind, but it was all part of the job.

Amidst this chaos, my phone buzzed flashing a familiar name. He gestured for me to answer.

"Hi, Rose. I heard you and Evan had a mini honeymoon?" Jake's cheerful voice echoed through the phone.

"Yes, we had a fantastic time and returned just yesterday. How have you been?" I responded.

"I'm doing great. Guess what?" Jake's question was open-ended, but riding the wave of my recent anniversary celebration, I ventured a guess.

"Are you getting married?" There was a pause on the other end, and my smile widened in anticipation.

"Well, I might have popped the question, and she said yes." I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Really? That's wonderful! Congratulations, Jake! You have to tell me all the details." Jake and his girlfriend, Diana, had been dating even before I met Evan. They were a perfect pair, always radiating love. Diana was like a sister to me, and we were so close that we had asked her and Jake to be witnesses at our wedding.

"Yeah, it happened just yesterday. I took her out on a date and kind of just blurted it out," Jake confessed, and I could almost visualize him nervously running a hand through his hair. He went on to describe how he had nervously gotten down on one knee and proposed. Their story was simply adorable.

Evan shot me a questioning look and took the phone from me, switching it to speaker mode.

"Why have you called my wife?" He asked Jake.

"Brother! I just got engaged." Jake announced.

"Am I supposed to congratulate you or offer my condolences to Diana?" Evan replied dryly but I could see him proud and happy for his brother.

"Thanks, bro. I knew you'd be thrilled." Jake said sarcastically. Their brotherly bond was always sarcastic and amusing to watch.

"Anyway, I called to let you know that Mom has invited Diana's parents for dinner tonight. I want you to come too." I glanced at the piles of files in front of us and then at Evan. It wasn't just work but Evan preferred to spend as little time as possible with family and I wouldn't go anywhere my husband was uncomfortable.

Evan sighed and pressed his lips into a thin line. "I can't promise if I'll make it so don't count on it."

"Aw man, I knew you would say that." The disappointment was evident in Jake's voice.

"I'm sure Rose will enjoy celebrating with you and Diana." I stared at him for a moment unblinking. My possessive husband often expressed his disapproval of me spending time away from him, which was something I loved and found annoying at the same time.

"Rose, you'll come, right?" Jake asked. I double checked with Evan to make sure he was fine with letting me go alone. He agreed with nod.

"Of course. I'll see you in the evening." I hung up and looked at Evan.

Evan's Rose [18+]Where stories live. Discover now