Chapter 17

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"Are you sure this is what you want?" Roy asked.

Edward nodded a little as they stood in front of the door.

"I want... I want to say goodbye."

"I get that, kid, but what if this breaks you again? I mean... it was hard enough finding you physically and almost impossible to find you mentally. I can't go through that again."

"Don't worry... I'm safe, right?" he asked looking up at his superior.

Roy smiled a genuine smile and nodded.

"Yeah, Fullmetal, you're safe."

"Then I'll be okay."

Roy sighed but nodded, trusting him. It had been only a day since Edward had finally come out of mental hiding, so to speak, and Roy didn't think he'd want to see this. But it was his right to see it and he couldn't deny this from Edward.

Roy pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, pushing it open. It had been since Edward went missing that he had even come in here. He had wanted to often but just thinking about what he had put in here was enough to keep him away. But, here it was, staring at him blankly in the face.

Edward made a horrified sound and Roy swallowed, hoping things would be alright as he followed Edward into the room. He turned the lights on and watched the boy as he touched the suit of armor with utmost compassion. Edward pulled the helmet off and just stared inside. He did nothing and Roy walked over to see what he was looking at when he saw the blood seal and all the slash marks over it.

"I failed as a brother..." Edward said, falling to his knees. "I... I couldn't save him. I turned him into this and then I could even save him!" he yelled, hitting the helmet against the breastplate.

He moved the helmet and laid on the front of the armor, bawling his eyes out.

"Come back... come back... I'm sorry, Al... Please forgive me for what I've done. I'm so sorry... Please come back!"

Roy sighed, his heart going out to Edward and he put his hand on his shoulder.

"I know it's hard, Fullmetal, but there's nothing you can do. He's gone... I'm so sorry that we didn't get there in time to save him. I wish I could turn back time and never have even given you that assignment, but it's in the past... it's in a place we can't touch or change."

"I can hear his screams when I go to sleep at night..." Edward said softly. "I hear him calling for me, begging for me to help him, but all I can do is nothing. I couldn't do shit!"

"Hey..." Roy pulled him from Alphonse's armor and Edward crashed into his chest, continuing to cry. "Listen to me. Are you listening?" He nodded. "Al knew you would never abandon him. Okay? He knew that. He watched you get kidnapped as you watched those people... do whatever they did. He knew you had no control over the situation anymore than he had. He doesn't blame you. No one blames you."

"They do."

"Who is they?"

Edward pulled back and wiped his eyes.

"The people that took me... they used to tell me all the time."

Roy frowned. "Well those people aren't here anymore. We're going to take care of them and they will never hurt another person again. They won't be able to kidnap any children and drag them away, they can't brainwash anyone, and they won't get to you."

"But... the Xingese guy..."

"We took care of him too. You're safe, Edward. Believe me, you're safe."

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