Chapter 23

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Traveling by train to the nearest stop to East City, as soon as the train pulled into the station, Roy practically tucked and rolled off so he could meet up with the car he had called in from Central. Riza could barely keep up with him as he seemed to glide over the pavement. Roy paid the man who was keeping the car and got in as Riza got in the driver's seat.

"Colonel, is there a way you could-"

"No talking. Get us to the hospital as quickly as you can!" he yelled, breathing heavily from running so fast.

Riza sighed and turned the car on. Roy's leg was going 90 miles an hour as he prepared himself to launch out of the vehicle as soon as the hospital came into view.

"Colonel, don't take this the wrong way but-"

"Lieutenant, I have been in a large confusion ever since Edward was found. I didn't seem to understand anything he was going through, what might be happening in his brain. He tried to forget me because he thought I forgot him, that I left him to those people on purpose. On purpose, Lieutenant. That boy thought I wanted him to be used and abused and brainwashed and everything else that happened to him. He has no idea how much I couldn't do in regards to myself, but had others trying their best to help. He deserves an explanation. If he shatters anymore, I will lose him for good. Two days is already too long and I could be too late... again..."

"All I was going to say was that maybe you should stop and get some water before you pass out."



After traveling as fast as they could to get to East City Hospital, when the hospital came into view, Roy practically tried to jump out of the car but Riza had locked the doors. He glared at her as she made a face at him. Once it stopped, though, he pretty much tore the door off its hinges as he bounded up the steps into the hospital. He slipped on the floor where someone had mopped, but he scrambled back up and practically fell into the nurse's station. The nurse screamed at his slamming into the counter.

"C-Can I help you?" she asked, visibly frazzled.

"I was called in lieu of a boy who was caught in a derailing accident? He's got golden hair and has automail..."

"Oh, yes..."

"Where is he?"

"He's down the hall in Room 68." Roy started running. "Becarefultheyjustmoppeddown-"

"Son of a bitch!" she heard as his feet make a squeak due to the wet floor.

Riza walked in slowly and pointed in the general direction of the noises. The nurses nodded and she walked in that direction with a little more care.


Roy found Room 68 and finally stopped to breathe for a second. He stared at the doorknob, suddenly overcome with guilt and fear. What if Edward had had only a small relapse and that was it? What if he still didn't want to see him, just the act of being in danger made him think he did? He shook his head. No, he needs an explanation, whether he wants to or not. he thought.

He turned the knob and found that it was locked. He frowned at it and tried again.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Roy looked over at a man in a doctor's jacket watching him curiously.

"I'm Roy Mustang... I was called to come for my son-ub-ordinate. Subordinate." He corrected with a clearing of his throat.

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