Chapter 19

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"Please have mercy on me! Please!"

"This him?"

Beje walked up and turned his head a little.

"Yeah, this is him. A little more scraggly than when I last saw him but yes, this is him."

"I don't even know you!"

"Of course you do, silly-billy. Remember? You guys usually come and buy off market ammunition and sometimes I've make serums for you."

"Is that why your file has so many 'lost' guns and ammo?" Maes asked.

"That's beside the point, Stubbles." Beje said with a roll of his eyes.

The man on the ground looked at the two men and then narrowed his eyes at Beje.

"I ain't never seen you before."

Beje made a face and looked at Maes, who frowned.

"Beje, you still have your disguise on. You idiot."

"Oh! That makes sense. Can't get out of character too well..." he said, taking off his mustache and rustling up his hair. "That better?"

"Wait, yeah! Yeah, I know you."

"Do you remember these two?" Maes asked, pulling out a picture of Edward and Al.

The man looked at the picture for a second and smiled.

"Yeah, I remember that priceless treasure. The best sale we ever made-"

Beje punched the man in the face as Maes looked at him.


"I don't like hearing this piece of shit talk about selling a child like he was selling jewelry. Edward or not, it pisses me off."

"It's a business!" the guy growled. "What do you think black marketing is? We sell what we can sell to the highest bidder and then find more things to sell. We get a really good price for Amestrian children that we sell to Xing."

"You sell them to whore houses and make them do deplorable things to adults there!" Maes growled, grabbing the man by the hair. "Selling children is not only illegal but also morally wrong. Selling them to places of sexual pleasure for the sick minds of older men and boys? What kind of monster are you?!"

"Whatever they do with the merchandise is not my issue. I just sell."

"You are selling children!" Beje growled. "How can you live at night knowing that you have just taken a child from its family and sold it off to a place it doesn't know, people it doesn't know?! How can you just do that?!"

"I have no heart." The man said with a small grin. He pointed to the picture. "I remember that armored kid though. He screamed like a bitch."

Beje reared back to punch the man but Maes stopped him.

"No... let's hear what the gentlemen has to say."

Beje looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you insane?"

"Nope. Tell me, how did you know how the blood seal worked?"

"We kidnap a lot of kids that practice alchemy and such and we started learning a little here and there. We weren't very good at it but our boss told us that knowing about it may help us in the long run. And boy did it this time!"

"I see... so you knew what the blood seal was?"


"So... what was it like? Was it fun for you? Doing what you did?" Maes asked, giving a small smile.

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