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There was something cold pressed to my cheek, and on my lips. I heard a gentle lapping of some sort and I knew that there were several cuts all over my body, but I was too exhausted to open my eyes and inspect them.

My sleepiness tempted me to fall back asleep but when I realized that whatever had been on my lips was a kiss of some sort and on my cheek a hand my eyes yanked open and water spilled out of my mouth.

I went into a coughing fit and rolled over on my arm to free my lungs of the water. My memories flooded back into my head but they were blurry.

"Oh my god," I heard someone mutter.. someone of the male gender. Great, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

I've had enough of them for a day.

I rested back on what I assumed was the sand and I realized the lapping sound was the now gentle waves of the ocean hitting the cold sand.

It was cloudy, and freezing. Good ol' Washington for you.

"What happened," I managed to mumble out.

"You jumped" He didn't seem at all surprised, I squinted my unadjusted eyes up at the boy In front of me. His hair was a light pale color and he had one strip of blue in it. His eyes were a light blue and his skin was tanned.

"No shit Sherlock," I attempted to sit up but fell back down due to the tiny slices that covered my body, I assumed they were from hitting the rocks and my head was killing me.

"Hey, I just brought you back to life so a little gratitude would be appreciated." He stood up and offered his hand out for me to take.

"Do you want me to give you a cookie?" I sarcastically said while ignoring it and instead cringed at the pain as I stood up by myself.

"Fine," he dusted the wet sand off his jeans and then began to march away but I grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry." He half way turned around at my unexpected apology.

"I'm a little salty.." I trailed off, "literally." I smirked at my pun.

He gave me the crazy eye. Honestly this guy has no humor. Or maybe the image of my matted brown hair plastered all over my face and my soaked white shirt did it.

"Some guy just tried to shove his tongue down my throat, and then I had to jump off a cliff, and I almost drowned.. thanks to you I'm still alive and breathing." I was almost disappointed that the last part was a fact.. and I decided to leave my crazy hallucinations in the water out of my story.

He crossed his arms and faced me fully.

"My names Fin," he extended his hand which I now took.

"Alice," I stated.

"So who's this guy that shoved his tongue down your throat?" He asked me as we began to walk back to wherever we were going.

"Some asshole that thinks he can bully me—how did you find me?" I quickly changed the subject.

I could've sworn a smirk spread across his face. He looked cute.. for a split second.

"I run on the beach a lot," he awkwardly said, and that's when I finally realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Ugh. Poor me, I have to stare at his abs!

"Oh," my eyes trailed down his body.

"Why were you up there anyway?" He asked me as we came up on a old red truck.

"The sea is just kind of my thing—are you expecting me to climb into your truck and pretend like I trust you?" I stopped in my tracks and looked up at his towering figure.

"Of course it is—and you have trust issues you know. I just saved your life, don't you think if I had any bad intentions I wouldn't have don't them already? Now get in the truck." He barked.

"You could've saved me just so you could kidnap me, or maybe sell me. I don't know you tell me mister I-like-to-run-on-the-beach-shirtless guy." I slid into the worn down leather seats despite my dramatic protests.

"Do you ever stop talking?" He smiled at me, a genuine one.

"Not really." I patted around my pockets and then realized my phone had plundered under the sea.

(Undah the seaa)

"Lucky me. What're you looking for?" He asked as he revved up the engine.

"My phone.. Which I bet freaking Poseidon is probably playing with right now." I sighed at my luck.

His head flipped whipped towards me and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"It was just a joke.. I'm not that crazy." Keyword, that.

"Right—" he smiled to himself awkwardly, "where are we headed?" He asked me.

"Well, Fin. I am starving. Ocean water isn't really a main course meal ya know? Think you can buy a pretty lady a burger?" I smirked up at him and batted my eyelashes, as if anyone in the universe would be charmed by that.

"I saved you, shouldn't you be buying me a burger? And besides you can't go anywhere.. Not looking like that." He chuckled and I scoffed. I knew it was my appearance that scared him.

"Fin, didn't your mother teach you anything? Man is supposed to buy for lady. And what do you suggest?" I rolled my eyes.

"I never knew my mother." He stated as he drove down the road, passing green trees with the view of the ocean peeking through.

"Yeah well, join the club." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Ill take you home—" he began.

"No no no, my father has enough to worry about. He can't see me like this because then I'll have to explain." I protested, "don't you have anything I could wear?"

I kind of impose myself on people.. it's a weakness in my personality and don't think I don't notice it.

"If you like baggy t-shirts and shorts then yeah.." he trailed off.

"Perfect," I smiled as he drove down the road and headed into the lovely town of Westport.


Honestly Fin is bae.

Alice is really sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor haha. I love her so much and she is already my most well rounded character I've ever created.

Fin's name means something.. anyone know anything about Poseidon and his side kicks? Comment if you know what I mean!!

Lol no one will but I tried ❤🙃

Don't forget to vote you guys!! It helps me out a lotta

Buh bye

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