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Alice POV

Fin had the key in hand as we walked to the elevator finding our way to the room we'd just paid for at the concierge's desk. The hotel he chose was wedged between large buildings in Seattle, Washington. It was large and white and pristine.

Everyone here looked so professional I felt out of place as I wore my hair up in a loose bun that used to actually be a bun but now it's more of a sloppy mess of hair that badly needed a shower. I had on sweats and a T-shirt that had a large green dinosaur on it.. I now regret my decision of changing at a gas station after the hike.

I clutched my blanket closer to my chest in discomfort as a woman with red hair gave me an evil glare. She had on a white business suit and a black suitcase attached to her hand.

I looked over at Fin to say something about it but then I realized, she was staring at him.. not me. And it was a glare of jealously not evilness. Or maybe that's the same thing?

I didn't care, I only rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"You okay?" He asks innocently as he pushes the up button indicating we wanted to use the elevator.

I looked over at him and smiled, "It just amazes me how many girls trip over themselves at the sight of you it's like I'm not even here."

"Well do you expect them to think we're together so they should keep their distance?" He asks seriously.

At this I stuttered..

"Well.. it's better safe than sorry. She should assume, and keep her distance." I explain.

Fin laughed, a deep serious one. Where his throat bobbed up and back down smoothly like he controlled every movement. I knew I was staring but I couldn't help it.

Once we traveled up the elevator and to our room I realized we were on the very top of the building, the penthouse. I almost freaked out, where did he get that kind of money to afford a penthouse let alone in the middle of Seattle.

"Fin, how the hell did you manage to get the penthouse." I gasp as I set my things down on the couch and peek around the place.

He just smiled, not giving me a satisfying explanation.

I got that excited feeling in my throat and squealed as I ran around inspecting every bit of the place. It was like living in a greenhouse, the ceiling made of glass and dark cloudy skies above us.

I opened the door to the balcony and propped my elbows up on the ledge. I wasn't thinking about the pain or Poseidon or anything. I was watching the lights flicker and the clouds thunder and I was finally okay.

I suddenly felt Fins presence behind me, like he'd just appeared there.

I turned around and was up against the balcony as he looked me in the eyes.

"You kinda scared me," I commented as he stared intensely at me.

His silence gave me an eery feeling, I almost felt like it wasn't him for a second like he was in a trance, but then he spoke.

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