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There's some music for your enjoyment in this chapter :") ^^


Alice POV

"What have you done?" Asclepius had released me, I immediately stood, grabbing at my neck in shock.

The pain was excruciating and I wasn't sure why. I felt like someone had burned me there.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" He screamed at Amphitrite. She almost looked hurt, if demons can feel hurt..

"You're with me now! Why do you care about your stupid fated love? She's been dead for years what is she to you?" Amphitrite argued.

"I love her!" He was angry. He grabbed the tube out of her hands and threw it.

"You said you loved me." She said, sounding like a little girl who'd naively fallen for the wrong boy.

"Oh get over yourself Amphitrite," he was so angry, I was scared.

All I could think about was how to escape. I felt so trapped, I had so many obstacles to get past. First these two, amphitrite especially, then the snakes, and then the locked door.

"What if he's lying?" Amphitrite asks.

"We only have one way to find out." Asclepius grabs the handle on a drawer and pulls out a gun. I take a step back and ready myself for what he's about to do.

He grabs my forearm and shoves me along with him, my other hand still over where she's inserted the cure.

He looked over at me suspiciously.

Amphitrite yelled after us, "You've made a huge mistake, Asclepius."

He ignored her.

He had the gun in his hand as he pushed the button and walked through the front door, the snakes parted like the Red Sea as he walked past, making a way for him.

We reached the second door as he lifted the gun, I winced and covered my head with my arms as his long fingers pulled against the trigger and fired off at the lock, it broke after four shots and Asclepius pushed roughly against it making it break wide open.

It was dark already, there were no lights shining through the windows and the lights in the castle were off.

Asclepius held the gun out in front, weary of his surroundings but keeping me close almost as a shield.

"Poseidon!" He yelled in a deep, dark voice. "Give me Epione." He lead me through the house, the gun now on my temple, pressing there.. I flinch but try to keep up with him.

We made it to the foyer, he had me in the center. Suddenly a black figure formed on the second floor of Asclepius's house and it caught Asclepius's eye too.

Asclepius pointed the gun towards it, the figure appeared to tremble.

Then a woman stepped forward, the light from the moon shining through the windows in the roof showed her face.

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