CHAPTER TWO. The surrender of the fort of Emain Macha.

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Conor Mac Nassa knew it was over.

Cu Culainn dead.

His great red branch knights slaughtered.

Now the great hall falling all by the hands off that bitch queen.

He stood, his back to the wall, with the last of his warriors.

Sword out.

Shield close to his chest.

All focus on the pounding at the great halls door.

After each pound,the door gave more, losing it's battle to hold.

The pounding grew louder as the door gave more.

Then like a dam it burst and a flood of wild warriors filled the room.

In seconds they were surrounded yet to Conors puzzlement they did not attack?

Instead his enemies built a wall of shields trapping them in their corner of his great hall.

This was an insult.

He and his band attacked the shield wall.

But none returned their fight.

The wall did not move none would return the honour of combat or answer Conors insults.

"Come and fight me or do Connaught men only know how to hide behind shields and their queens skirt!"

Conor struck the shields still no reaction from the men behind that shield wall.

"By the gods of Eriu! Fight me you pack of dog eaters!"

He screamed and then Spat over the shield wall.

It found its mark.

The mark cursed and was held back from letting his temper get the better of him.

All of Conor's men gullied over the shield wall.

Finding mark after mark.

Tempers rose.

Curses rang out.

But still the wall stayed up.

"Piss on them it's all their good for!"

Ordered Conor and his men formed a line in front of the shield wall.

"Enough!" Roared a female voice from the other side of the wall.

"let me enter!"

Someone protested but the female voice insisted.

Then an opening in the shields appeared and Medb their queen entered.

The opening closed behind her.

Conor raised his sword and swung with full force.

Terror filled her but the sword stopped barley an inch from her head.

"Lucky for you my geisa bans me from harming a woman."

"It's over Conor. Ulster has fallen to me." She extended her hand and anger flashed in his eyes. "Now give me your sword."

"You think I'm giving you my sword woman!"

He glared insulted.

"Surrender your sword! king!" She demanded extending her hand out further.

"It is mine by right of combat."

He looked angered at her hand.

"I gave you my sword once woman."

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