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Abbie and Catbad.

Chapter five

Part 1.

He looked at the collection of knives and daggers on his table.

Catbad had decided to kill Abbie. 

She was far to gone to be any use to him and as for her screaming night terrors.

Sure It was the humane thing to do.

In the last week since he had kidnapped and brought her back to his time, to his tower, she had collapsed into a state of shock.

No wonder the horror of knowing her world had ended and with it everyone that she knew was just to much for the child's mind to bare.

The poor girl blames herself. 

She believes it's her fault that her world ended.

She believes if she hadn't saved Cu Culainn. Then the Morrigan would never had gone to her time and caused the deaths of everyone she knew.  Her world destroyed.

Catbad knew there was no point in trying to convince her otherwise.

After all she is absolutely right.

He picked out a dagger with a small blade and headed to Abbie's cell. 

He knew she would still be cradling and rocking in its far corner. Best to stab the child quickly.

End her misery fast.

He toyed with the idea of not showing her the blade just take her by surprise, but there was no point.

Her mind is so far gone, besides she probably won't even know he is with her in the cell.

He climbed the towers stairs thinking how much he missed escalators.

Part 2.

Abbie was imprisoned but not by the damp cell she was curled up in.

Catbad didn't even have to force her in.

She just walked in as far as she could and collapsed into its corner.

Guilt imprisoned her and there was no escape.

The horror of what she had done consumed her waking thoughts .

Forcing her exhausted mind into a torturous sleep.

From which the voices would come.

"Abbie." Called the voice. "Abbie I'm calling you for the up-thing time."

"Mum." Abbie cried recognising her voice.

"Abbie what have you done??"

"I had to mum! I had to save Culainn."

She watched as her ghostly mum appeared from the far dark wall.

"You killed us all Abbie! What where you thinking off!"

"I, I didn't mean to kill anyone! I--."

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Abbie and her mom jumped at the loud mocking laughter which came at the far opposite wall.

There appeared Catbad.

Tied to the great stone.

The spear skewered through his heart.

"Ha! How easy your daughter lies!"

He spat squirming on the standing stone.

"Didn't mean to kill anyone. She meant to kill me!"

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