Chapter 51

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"Oh... Damnit." I grumbled, falling back into my bed, ignoring Ginny as she continued to stare at me with alarm. I was in no shape to explain everything at the current moment, but one glance at Ginny's current expression lead me to believe I didn't have another choice.

"Lily? How- What are you doing here? You're Alecia? Does Neville know?" Every word was like another nail hammered into my already aching head. Slowly I sat up, running a hand through my hair. I suppose that the bubbling hadn't just been a side affect of the potion.

"Yes, Neville knows." I said slowly, rubbing my face. "Yes I'm Alecia. And the Order sent me here. Can I sleep now?"

"No!" Ginny said insistently, sliding into my bunk with me and pulling the drapes shut. Casting muffliato quickly she turned back to me, brown eyes burning with curiosity.

"Ginny. My head hurts."

"You're not even supposed to be here!" Ginny hissed, and I had to admit she had a point. Sighing quietly I gave in, nodding slowly.

"Fine, fine."

"Why did the Order send you?"

"They wanted someone on the inside." I sighed, resting back against the headboard. "I suggested the idea though. I thought it could be handy to you know, have someone who can report back."

"And how exactly are you reporting back to them? All the owls are searched and fireplaces watched."

Carefully I reached down, sliding the silver ring Sirius had given me off my finger. It still held the same message it did when I first opened it, and I still hadn't figured out how to make the damn thing work.

"It's a ring... 'Supposed to send short messages. Dunno how though." I mumbled, watching as Ginny took it from me and studied it.

"How odd." She said, handing it back to me. I slipped it back onto my finger, sinking back into my pillows the meanwhile. I could feel sleep pulling on me, and it was becoming incredibly difficult to keep my eyes open. I still felt nauseous, and I only wanted to do one of two things: 1,sleep, or 2, throw up.

"A little. Can I sleep now?" I mumbled, feeling nearly elated when she nodded, pulling the drapes open again.

"Fine. But we're talking more tomorrow."

"Fine, fine.." I mumbled, watching as she slid off my bed, running her fingers through her red hair. Her expression was difficult to read, but I had a feeling I would be dealing with a very hurt and annoyed Ginny come morning. With a sigh she turned to me, hands on her hips.

"Goodnight, Alecia." She said in a much sharper tone that my head would've appreciated. Reaching up she closed the drapes. I sighed.

"Goodnight, Ginny."


The next day I was feeling much better.

Most of the effects of the potion had worn off, and while I was still a little groggy I knew that as soon as I got my hands on some form of caffeine I would be okay. It was a Saturday as well, and the idea of not having to endure classes was a pleasurable one. Quickly I downed my serving of polyjuice potion for the morning before I changed. I had slept in my school uniform, and changing out of my wrinkled skirt and sweater I opted for gray sweatpants and a loose black shirt that, while not totally effective against the colder weather, was soft and reminded me of Draco. It had been his after all, though it no longer smelt like him.

Only me.

I sighed deeply, shrugging a gray sweater-cardigan mix thing(I wasn't sure. It was a hand-me-down from Tonks. She had merely described it as a 'warm comfy thing'. I didn't disagree) on over it and sliding my boots on last before I made the trek downstairs into the common room.

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