Chapter 69

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"If you buy me chocolate, I'll adore you forever."

"I am not incharge of buying you chocolates; That is your significant other's job." Lavender scoffed as she tugged her scarf on, looping it tightly around her neck. I grinned weakly from where I laid in bed, enjoying my Saturday morning by doing absolutely nothing.

"I don't have a significant other. I do, however, have you." I grinned, resting my chin on my hands. What was one small, little lie? It's not as though it was completely untrue- Draco wasn't around, but I did have Lavender. A Lavender who was leaving for Hogsmeade and going to be close to a Honeyduke's, which was amazingly still open. Despite popular belief, the Carrow's and Dementors hadn't run everything out of town.

"Whatever happened to Thatcher? You know, the Slytherin you liked? The one whom you told me nothing about?" She said, the passive-agressiveness in her tone making me roll my eyes.

"Very amusing. Can you please get me chocolate? Please?" I asked again, sticking my bottom lip out. She stared at me for a moment, blue eyes narrowed shrewedly.


"Thank you!"

"I said maybe." Lavender stressed, shrugging her coat on. I smiled though anyway, knowing a 'maybe' from Lavender was as good as a 'yes'. Appeased, I rolled back and let myself sink into the covers, enjoying the freedom that came with a completely-unscheduled Saturday.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Lavender asked for at least the sixth time, and with a sigh I looked over to where she stood by the door, my lips pulled into a faint smile.

"No, I'll be alright- I might even take a nap. Merlin knows I've been short on sleep lately."

"Well, rest well then- I'll see you later." Lavender said, wiggling her fingers in a small wave before she left the room, and I was by myself. The silence was a little eerie at first, but eventually I adjusted and knew that, if I listened hard enough, I'd be able to hear the murmur of voices from people in the common room. It was being alone without feeling utterly lonely, and it made it easier for me to close my eyes, to actually try to relax. It was difficult at times though when everyone you cared about were under different roofs.

Sirius and the rest of the Order, working and fighting constanty.

Harry, Ron and Hermione, at least hopefully together again by now.

The Weasley's in hiding.

No idea where Draco could be. 

It had been four days since Severus had last been seen in the castle, and I wasn't sure if it was because he had become more inclined to stay in his office or if he had yet to return from smuggling Gryffindor's sword to Harry. With the war going on, though, one began to get used to not having loved ones nearby, but instead in the unknown and potentially dangerous. I didn't like it, but I had learned enough times that worrying wasn't going to help anything.

Sleeping, on the other hand, was very useful and rather pleasant.

It was just frustratingly short.

"Oh, also-" Lavender barged back into the room, causing me to jump- "Neville is in the common room, and he says he wants to see you soon."

"Are you kidding? I told him I would be napping." I groaned loudly, pulling my pillow out from under me so I could pull it over my face. I heard Lavender sigh.

"Well, make him wait if you wish. I must go inform him that I will not be used as an owl- Sleep well, Alecia."

"I'm not sleeping now." I grumbled, knowing Neville wouldn't interrupt me if it wasn't at least something semi-important. Lavender had already left though, and I was left on my own to get dressed, exchanging my pajamas for a jumper and jeans that both had holes worn in them from time. But they were cozy, and that justified my discheveled-ness in my mind.

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