Chapter Seven

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Alpha Mason

"Do you really have to go?" She wrapped her arms around my neck pressing her naked body against mine.

"Yes, I have some business to take care of." I lied

The real reason I had to go because I couldn't take my wolf growls and whines, for me to leave Nina and go be with his mate. I don't know how long it will take him to get use to the fact that me and Hailee will never be together.

"No!" He growled, "We will be with our mate, soon." He vowed to himself.

"Okay." She pouted. She kissed my lips before letting me go. After I finished putting on my clothes she walked me to the door wearing only her robe that was slightly open showing off her nice perky breast "It was nice hanging and out, we should do this again."

"We should." I kissed her forehead, "I'll call you."

"Okay." I bid goodbye before leaving her apartment and headed back to the pack house, the place I had been avoiding a lot lately.


"Where you been Alpha?" Sam asked me as we both sat at the kitchen table while his mate made us breakfast.

"Just out." I said casually so neither them would expect anything. I tried washing her scent off him, I mostly did but you could still smell it on my faintly.

"Hanging with some human girl I see." I tense as I saw Hailee walk in the kitchen she sat at the breakfast bar farthest away from me. "The enforces saw you go home with her at the bar a few nights ago, I guess you just can't get enough huh. Since you know you've been MIA for the past three days." He laughed. I watched Hailee grabbed her bag and rush out of the kitchen. I didn't want her finding out about this at least not until us and our wolves both accepted that we would never be together.

"Enough Sam, you and the enforcers should focus more on tracking the group of rouges that been all over the border than my person life, mind your own goddamn business." I storm out of the kitchen and into my office slamming the door behind me.

Nina and I have been hanging out, it's just physical though.

There was a knock at my door, "Come in."

"Mason I didn't mean to cross a line, I was just joking around, I didn't think you'll be so upset."

"It's fine, there's a lot going on, I stress, I didn't mean to blow up at you like that."

"It's fine." He sat down in the chair that sat in front of my desk. "Is there something else going on? You can talk to me about anything you know that."

"I do, I'm fine, really."

"If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me." He laughed. I gave him a look urging him to elaborate, "Its Hailee, her and Kate got in a serious agreement yesterday, something going on with her. At first I didn't believe Kate but last night we talked, and I could just tell something is not right."

"Well I sure it's nothing, you know teenage hormones." I faked a laugh.

"You're probably right, well I should get going, I need to put the enforces to work."

"Sam, by the way congratulations on the pup."

"Thanks man."

Luna Hailee

"What's wrong?" Natalie asked me. I had decide to skip lunch but like always Natalie found me, in the soccer field crying it was lunch time and I was finally acknowledging everything I had learned the morning and it was really getting to me. "Mason dating a human girl."

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