Chapter Sixteen

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Luna Hailee

I watched as Sam lunged at Mason. Peter looked shocked, and uncertain about what was going on. Kate was still in shocked that Mason was my mate, and me, well I was all the above. I didn't know what to do, luckily I didn't have to do anything because at that moment Mark and his dad William and other pack male wolves busted in and separated Mason and Sam pulling them in opposite directions of each other.

"What just happen?" Peter asked looking directly at me.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing came out. What was I supposed to tell him? That my brother attack his best friends for rejecting me and messing with other girls. He just wouldn't understand.

"Peter sweetheart maybe its best if you come back another time." She winced. "Sam and Mason are having so business issues."

"But he said Hailee was his." He turned to me, "Are you and him...." He trailed off.

"No." I rushed out, "I don't know what he's talking about." I lied.

"Hailee, my water just broke." Kate shrieked. I looked at her to see water was streaming down her legs. I started to get worried because she wasn't due for another six weeks and the stress of this situation must have stressed her out and cause for a water to break. I felt guilty because if something happen to the baby  it would be all my fault. 

After moments of shock and Kate screaming, Sam finally came rushing in the room with Mark behind him. We rushed Kate to the pack hospital where Leah was standing outside already prepared with the wheel chair to transport Kate. Peter, Mark and I sat in the small waiting room while Kate gave birth.

"Hailee?" Peter called out to me.

"Yes?" I asked nervously.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I'll give you to some alone time." Mark said as he walked away.

"Are you and Mason together?" He asked.

"No." I declared. "I don't know what he's talking about." I lied.

"Then why did he say that?" I shrugged. "Please tell me the truth" He begged.

"We might have had something at one point, he didn't want people to find out so he kept me a secret. He broke it off right before I met you."

Because Peter was human I couldn't tell him that me and Mason we're mate because that would lead me to telling him about the werewolf species which was illegal.

"That why you didn't want to go out at first." He said putting two and two together. "So, did you lie when you said I was the only person you dated?"

"No, we never dated." I said looking into his eyes.

"You did." He sighed. "A lot going on, and maybe we should spend some time apart to figure things out." He said as tears being to fall from my eyes. "I'm gonna go." He kissed my cheek before leaving.


Two hours later Kate had given birth to James Morgan, 6 pound 3 ounces, and cute as a button, he was definitely gonna be a heart breaker. Too bad he being born couldn't came at a worse time. Sam, whose scars from the fight with Mason had finally cleared up, was currently on the phone with Kate parents trying to get them to delay them coming to visit Kate and the baby. Kate was breast feeding James and I was sitting in the corner numbed from everything.

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