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Hi. :)

Anyway, I just want to inform you all (I've been getting a lot of questions) that there I'll be a 3rd book to the series. It is called Sinister Secrets, and it's actually on my profile as I type this. It is not finished, as of yet, but that will change over time!

Also, for those who want a little taste, I thought I'd give you a sneak peak of book 3.


"You need to eat."

I glared at Nicola, my friend, someone I loved, and sneered. "I told you, I'm not hungry."

She reciprocated the dirty look. "I swear to the Gods, Neva, if you don't open your damn mouth and take a bite I will open it for you and force feed you. Do you want that?"

Normally I would call her bluff, but I was too tired to argue. So I opened my mouth wide and let her slide the spoon inside. Metal clinked against my teeth. The thick broth of the brew wasn't as warm as it could've been, but I assumed that was because I fought eating it for so long.

She smiled. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

I rolled my eyes. "It was terrible."

She smacked my arm lightly. "Why do you have to be this way?"

I gave her a leveling stare from under my lashes, my face slack. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I just learned that my mother, Queen Mab, the woman who has slaughtered millions of innocents for her own personal agenda, has somehow tied her soul to mine. Let's not forget: she's sucking my magic from my soul. The magic I get from my father, Death. She's doing this so she can grow more powerful and someday take over the world. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to be shitty about."

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