forty eight

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my fucking baby daddy, FUUUCK.

i'm so good to ethan, i tell him he's gorgeous everyday & that i love him & I GET AN UNFOLLOW IN RETURN. smh grant



i stared at sam. "please adyel. i want to be your friend. be with me, not against me." she begged and pleaded. i didn't want to be against her. she did seem nice. i sighed. i wasn't going to make this hard on me or anyone else.

"you really like him huh?" i studied her attire. she wore tight black jeans, black suede thigh high boots, and a tight black tank top. not usually something you would wear in the fbi. she nodded her head, flashing her teeth.

"i think he really likes you too." i smiled. a small blush crept on her cheeks. "you think so?" i nodded my head, walking back towards the team.

"i know so."

once we arrived back to the rest of the team, i stood inbetween grayson and sam. grayson stared at her ass, not even trying to hide it, making me hit him in the chest.

he flinched. "ow!" he whispered. "knock it off." i said through gritted teeth.

i looked across the circle that we were in, aaron giving us details. saleh furrowed her eyebrows mouthing, "are you friends with her?" i nodded my head, shrugging.

"alright, so sam, saleh, and adyel will be together. you guys go to interview the ex boyfriend with aaron." cameron pointed at all of us.

"i'm driving." i twirled the metal key ring around my finger, unlocking it but making the alarm sound by holding it down for too long.

"good one." sam scoffed. i glared, raising my fist and punching her. she furrowed her eyebrows, rubbing her arm and hitting me back.

"you're a bitch!" i squealed out. "takes one to know one." she scoffed. saleh rolled her eyes, stepping in between us.

"would you two stop! that's enough." she spat.

once we all got in the car, we drove to the address we were supposed to be going to. "god i hope she's okay." aaron bit his nails. i poured looking at the poor boy behind me.

"i'm sorry, aaron." he nodded his head. it was clear that he wanted to cry. my heart shattered at the sight of aaron, he was so sweet and pure.

my phone started to ring loudly, i smiled seeing it was ethan. "hey gorgeous." i smiled. i could almost hear sam gag from beside me.

"hey baby doll." it was obvious that he was smiling. not to be conceited, but my fiancé was obsessed with me. he always said how his heart fluttered when he talked to me.

"how are you doing?" i asked, turning my turn signal on, because nobody likes a bitch that doesn't use their turn signal. "i'm hanging in there. i need to be back in the field. i need these damn nurses to discharge me." he groaned.

"i know baby. hey, i've gotta go i'm working on a case and i'm here. i'll talk to you later." i smiled.

"i love you adyel chapman. be careful love, keep our munchkin safe. call me later, beautiful." ethan's words almost made me tear up. these pregnancy hormones make me an emotional mess.

"i love you ethan dolan." i said, hanging up the phone. i got out of the car, everyone following behind. i knocked on the oak door. the house looked quite nice from the outside.

a man with jet black hair and tan skin opened the door. "hello." he raised an eyebrow. i got out my fbi credentials.

"supervisory special agent adyel chapman." i tucked my credentials in my pocket. we're here to ask you a few questions." i nodded my head.

"i don't know you feds are at my house, i didn't do anything wrong. now, all do respect, please leave." he started to shut the door but i quickly put my foot in the door.

"no, you're going to let me in or i'll handcuff you, making you be put in federal custody, and take you in for interrogation. that goes on for hours, danny. trust me, i've been in the fbi for a long time. i used to not getting sleep." i narrowed my eyes.

"now, i'm going to ask you questions. you're going to tell the truth and nothing but. do not leave anything out." i spat. he nodded his head fast, making his mop of hair shake.

"good." i walked inside his house. "does anyone else live here?" sam asked, sitting down in a bar stool. danny's hands shook.

"just me and my girlfriend. her name is sarah. she's upstairs. i'll go get her." he started to get up. "sit down." i snapped. he forcefully sat back down.

"where's maeve?" i asked. danny's eyes went wide when i mentioned the name. aaron's eyes were bloodshot. he could burst out cry at anytime.

"m-maeve?" danny managed to squeak out. i nodded my head, crossing my arms over my chest. he let out a heavy sigh. "w-what happened to her?" his lip quivered. he looked genuinely sad.

"i used to be engaged to maeve." tears started falling from his eyes. i looked at aaron who's mouth was covered and tears fell from his eyes.

"she never mentioned that." aaron harshly snapped. i looked at aaron as well as everyone else. i shook my head. "is she your girlfriend?" danny asked.

aaron nodded his head. "i've never met her. i've never seen her. i have been talking to her over the phone for months. she said she had been stalked previously and it had stopped but apparently not." aaron bit his lip.

"thank you, danny. i'll keep in touch with you." i smiled, walking out the door with the other agents. as we were going back to our suburban, a woman came out.

"doctor carpenter." she yelled out to aaron, everyone turned around. "maeve, she's missing?" she asked, tugging her cardigan tighter around her small frame.

aaron nodded. "i'm sarah. danny's girlfriend. if you need anything, just call us." she smiled. aaron smiled a small smile, going back to the suburban. it was a weird encounter.

i started the car, driving back to the our hotel. we had no fbi working with us, this was private. nobody else was allowed to find out. not even matthew, our section chief.

once we arrived at the hotel in the large room we rented, we started to talk. aaron seemed out of it. "okay, these were sent to us by anonymous person." nate pulled out pictures of danny and a girl but her face was scribbled out with black marker.

aaron furrowed his eyebrows, studying the picture closely. "we were also sent some. i sent them in for dna testing." jack said through the computer.

"adyel, who did you address me as when we went to danny and sarah's?" aaron asked, looking at me intensely. i leaned back in my chair.

"i didn't address you at all." i shrugged. "sarah called me doctor carpenter as we were leaving." aaron stood up.

i took at look at the pictures again, running my finger over the black.

"this isn't marker either. it's black eyeliner."


hey hey hey.

two more chapters left. ya yeet

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