12. Pep Talk

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I didn't realize how long I'd slept in until I didn't feel Steve anywhere in the bed. Sighing, I got up, stretched, and then hit the shower. Thank Odin the water was hot this time.

When I got out and dressed, I was greeted with the sight of Laura washing dishes and Natasha and Bruce playing with the Barton children. Clint walked in to go help his wife. I didn't see Aria, Tony, or Steve yet.

"If you're looking for Steve, he's out chopping wood with Tony," Tasha called from the living room. I nodded in acknowledgement and headed out onto the porch. Sure enough, Tony and Steve each had their respective wood pile, Steve's much bigger than Tony's. I leaned against the house, watching the men talk.


Did someone finally wake, sleepyhead?

Not funny. Where are you?

On the porch. Why? What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong, I just need a friendly face to see.

Everyone's friendly here, Aria.

Two minutes later, she joined me outside.

"Well, it's official, I've been given a new name," she sighed dramatically. "Curtesy of Tony Stark."

"It was his idea, not mine."

"Oh, I know. He shot off names, and I shot them all down. Every single one. Some were just so ridiculous."

"But you settled on one."

"Yeah, I did. I like it, because in the end my approval is the highest. It's going to be my Avenger name, anyway."

"Well, what is it?"

"Whirlwind." Aria beamed. "Simple, but it sounds powerful at the same time. Though I'm sure there's a much better name for me, but nothing else sounded like it fit just right."

"Hmm. Whirlwind. It suits you." I smiled.

"They look like they're arguing." She nodded towards Tony and Steve.

I sighed. "They've always butted heads from the time the Avengers were formally recruited."

"You were part of the recruitment, yes?"

"Yes, but...not for the Avengers. I was more of a...consultant, at the time."

"For what?"

"Loki had his hands on the Tesseract and planned to rule the world. S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time found out about me, and they roped me into helping stop him. Those with dark intentions often take hold of power they think they understand but they don't." I felt Aria jump beside me when Steve suddenly ripped a thick log in half with his bare hands. I swooned a bit.

"If he starts throwing the logs, we'll intervene, right?" Aria asked me, slightly worried.

"Of course."

"Hello, ladies." Laura Barton stepped out onto the porch. "Have you seen—oh, wait, there he is. Never mind." She waddled down the steps to talk to Tony. He headed for the barn a few minutes later, and I walked down to Steve, leaving Aria and passing Laura on my way there.

"Heated discussion?" I asked casually.

"It's one way to phrase it, yeah." Steve set down the axe he held.

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