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          Being an Avenger prepared you for a lot of things.

Choosing how your wedding was going to go was not one of those things.

"I don't want it to be grand, but I still want it to be a wedding," I said adamantly. "But we can't be bland." I looked at Steve expectantly, sitting cross-legged on the bed while he relaxed against the headboard.

"What are you looking at me like that for?"

"Well, I want your thoughts! I can't make all the decisions."

"Okay, okay."

"Look, if this is becoming overwhelming for you, we can push this back further. We do have a lot on our plate as is, with trying to find Bucky, and training the recruits..."

"Is that your way of saying you're not ready?"

"Well, it's nerve-wracking. I'm going to be marrying Captain America." I threw him a teasing smile. "How many women can say that?"

"If we can't do this together, maybe we need to call in some outside help."

"Who would you have in mind?"

"Well, I'm taking a backseat on this if that's what we do. Weddings are more your thing."

"Since when?"

"Since now."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine." An idea came to mind. "How about Pepper?"

"She's extremely busy, Kiara. You want to put a wedding on her too?"

"She can assemble her own team of wedding planners to help. I know she can't do it on her own, between running Stark Industries and handling Tony." I sniggered.

"I'm surprised you haven't told anyone."

"Why would I?"

"Because we're engaged."

"Really? Because I see no ring—"

"We're going to go when we get some free time, you know that."

I laughed. "Easy, love. I know you can take a joke. If it's because you can't afford a ring, I'm okay with that. Hell, I'd be okay if you handmade one until I get a real one. It'd still mean the same thing, regardless. If you want to start telling people, by all means, do. You have my official blessing."

"I didn't realize that I needed it. Are we looking at a more traditional Asgardian wedding, or more Earth?"

That was a loaded question. Since I'd been on earth for a while now, the thought didn't cross my mind to even think about Asgardian tradition. Or inviting my parents to the wedding. Would they want to see me, though, after I ran away? My parents, my father especially, was never fond of the idea of leaving Asgard. He'd always been protective of me, but when you get old enough to venture on your own, your parent's words start to annoy you.

"I mean, I want it to have some Asgardian roots, but then again, Earth has become a second home to me." I groaned. "I'm sure humans have never had to go through this much stress."

"I beg to differ. It's all about compromise."

"Well, then help me compromise, Steve. This is your wedding too. We've got venues to consider, foods, music, dresses, who's going to be in the wedding parties, the guests..." I sighed. "I'll have to look into wedding planners."

"What if you don't have to look very far?"

I raised a brow at him. "What are you thinking, Steve?"

"We could let the girls take hold of it."

"You mean Aria, Wanda, and Tasha? Tasha, the assassin, who can snap necks without batting an eye?"

"That's probably an exaggeration, Kiara. What's wrong with them helping out?"

"Nothing, it's just..." I put my head into my hands. "I don't know!"

"Yeah...we're enlisting some help. If you really want to, reach out to Pepper and see how that goes. Worst case you use her as a consultant within arm's reach. Not exactly your wedding planner, but she gives you a good perspective."

I exhaled. "I love it when you're level-headed for me."

"Someone has to with this. This is...big."

"Definitely. So, the guest list—we're keeping it small. Don't want the world having helicopters capturing every waking second."

"That I can agree on."

"And...if we swing it, depending on when this all happens, if we get Bucky back..." I stopped there, in case Steve reacted badly. There was a sad look in his eyes, and I didn't speak another word. "We'll juggle all of this, together." I grabbed his hand. "Are you with me?"

"Of course."

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