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    The deafening sound of the rain pounding the concrete walls and roads outside was drowned out by the bleak white soundproof walls. Replaced instead by the soothing sounds of wood crackling as a hunger fire devoured dry logs. Embers glowing brightly then fading away. Reflecting on the white walls as an orange dancing shimmer. Leaving behind thick piles of ash and bits of stray charcoal. The only light in the room emitting from the orange glow. Producing just enough light to make out the slouched man dressed in an expensive suit and the short teenage girl that stood nervously behind him.

    Her clothes are solid black. Ripped skinny jeans jammed into a pair of worn faux leather boots. Oversized hoodie draped over her body hiding her physical features.  A large hood covering her head and part of her face. Her lip chapped and slightly bleeding from where she is gnawing at it. Only her fingers exposed outside of the bunched up sleeves, twisting and cracking as she waits. Her mind reeling, turning, spinning, trying to locate the right words to claim a statement over his request.

    His back was to her. Staring at the virtual fire burning away from the holographic projection placed strategically into the wall. Made to look like an exact replica of a real fireplace. At least what one would have looked like if having a real fireplace and cutting down trees just to burn them was still legal. The replica made based on the records collected from the history books. The rest of the spacious office was set up in a similar old fashioned manner. Plastic desk painted to look like expensive polished wood. The black chair behind the desk with old fashioned wheels instead of hovering technology made to look like something from a common office taken straight from a history book depicting the 21st century. The old fashioned office with a door that still used a lock and key and something called a door knob always gave the teenager the chills.

    Like stepping into a time machine and traveling back a few decades. A place she would have avoided if she had the proper common sense but she was desperate and so she stood. Like a soldier, back ramrod straight. Ignoring the shake in her hands and knees. Pretending not to notice quiver of her lips and the strong urge to flee and never return. Her eyes darting quickly around the scene in front of her.

    Her exploring gaze stiffens when the man finally turns around after an eternity at starring at the projection of a fire. His bleary blue eyes staring into hers. An unsettling grin placed into his lips. Like a cat that finally caught the mouse and just finished having its bloody morsel. That is, if the slightly overweight man in his scratchy black expensive suit was a cat and the deal he made with her was the mouse. Or maybe she was the mouse. Caught inside the mans devious trap. To late to run away with the small piece of cheese she managed to bite off before the metal snapped.

    Unconsciously she continues to bite her lip. The sharp tang of iron invading her mouth as she licks the bite wound closed. Attempting to stop the blood flow.  A sense of dread filling her with panic. ‘What have you done’ repeating in her mind like a corrupted music file. She knew whatever words were about to escape her mouth would become her greatest regret but she could not help it.  As if the man with his blood shot perching blue eyes held a control over her. Something mental that made her do things against her wish. But she knew he didn't. She knew he held no control over her word or actions. That the regretful choice she was about to make was no ones fault but her own.

    “Y-yes” Her voice quivers and she takes a breath to steady herself. Straightning her back just a bit more to hide the fear and guilt ripping though her. “ I can do that for you sir, but..” She hesitates, unsure if it was her place to place a counteractive statement. Not finding a change of expression in the older mans face she decides to continue with her request. “you have to promise me that you will keep your side of the bargain, sir.” The man laughs, his voice deep and gruff. Seemingly unbelieving that she would even think that he would go against his side of the deal.

    “Of course darling.” He gives her a sleeve wink. Cupping her cheek in his hands as he lowers his face to be level with hers. Smelly breath invading her nostrils and she fights to keep her expression emotionless.  “ You must be careful. ELIM-SA’s are very smart and if this one catches you conversing with me. Informing me its location, as well as the location of the rest of its little group, then you might find yourself wishing you were already dead. They are dangerous.  Impossible to control. The synthetic soul placed into their robotic brain was a disastrous idea.” The girl nods, taking a step back from the man whose eyes crinkle as the expression on his weathered face widens into a challenging smirk. “Do you remember what their name stands for.”    

        “ELIM-SA; Electronic Logic Infiltration of Mathematics, Souled Android. I know, sir. I will be careful, sir.”

     “Excellent, I will get in contact with you soon.” He reaches for the necklace on his neck, pulling out the skeleton key dangling from the tip. One of a kind. He turns back around and inserts it into the small hole above the virtual fireplace. A small door swinging open, usually invisible to the human eye. He reaches in and hastily takes out a small black box, quickly handing it to her.

    She takes it without hesitation, hearing the rattle of three small objects. There would have been four but she already had hers. All she needed to do now was figure out how to place the other three without the others finding out. Without being discovered. She looks back at the man holding the fate of everyone she knew in his sweaty hand.

    With a look of regret she turns around and quickly leaves the room. The android bodyguard guarding the door automatically leading her out the building. Once outside she stares at the building with a grimace filled with disgust and remorse. Heart filled with regret she turns her back on the concrete billing, ignoring the pounding water cascading from the thick dark clouds in the sky. Her clothes sticking to her skin as she begins to run. Box held tightly in her hands hidden by the large pocket in the middle of her soaked hoodie. Feet pounding as they retreat. Disappearing into the shadows while blending in with the falling darkness.

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