Chapter 2

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In her rush to get home, Techna nearly forgets to pick her brother up from his school. As she passes the elementary school grounds she remembers and swerves dangerously, nearly knocking a woman who was walking on the sidewalk. Yelling out an apology she jumps off her board. Her long messy black hair an even bigger mess from the wind that beat up her hair and her rush. Pulling out a hair tie she gathers her hair and attaches it. The hair tie adjusting its size to firmly grip her hair and keep it in place out of her hair. Making it somewhat presentable.

    Running up the stairs she enters the building in a rush and then heads down the hall to the activity room. A place students could stay after school while they waited for their parents or guardians to be finished with work or until an older sibling could come and pick them up. Not trusting the children to stay out of trouble as they attempt to go home without supervision. The teacher on duty waves at her, handing her brothers backpack filled with small amount of school work and toys he managed to smuggle out of the house with him when their mom wasn't looking. Techna takes it with a nod, holding out her hand for her brother before walking out the room and to the teleportation pad.

    Entering her address and the T-pad code for the one in their house, she steps on. Feeling the familiar tingling through her body as the molecules that formed who she was transported to the wanted designation and formed her body back together. The after effect of ringing ears attacking her for a few split seconds. She hated using the T-pad but since it wasn't possible to ride her HBphone with her brother on it with her, and walking would be to dangerous and far she had to get used to it. Not that she believed she ever would.

    Stepping off the pad, she enters the kitchen. Getting to work making food. She could use the food printer but secretly she knew that her brother preferred her to make the food herself. Even if the quality at times was horrendous. Pulling a self heating pot from the cupboard she sets it on the designated stove. A specially designed area that would ensure that nothing would over heat and catch fire. Printing out some noodles and cheese mix she sets to work making her infamous mac’n’cheese. All a while using her brothers chatter as background noise.

    The moment the meal is prepared she scoops the gooey mess into two bowls and sets them down on the table. Upon the sudden silence, her mind once again starts racing. Going back to the the strange announcement and the weird way it affected the people. Perhaps they weren't thinking or acting that it was weird because they had their memories wiped. She heard rare cases where that was possible.

    “So Andrew,” Her words catch her brother’s attention and he looks up. Cheese smeared over his finger tips and across his face. “Did they play the mayor's announcement at your school today?”

    He looks at her with confusion. “What nanouncement? I didn't see the mayor.” His tongue stumbles over the long word. Usually Techna would take her time to teach him the words he had trouble pronouncing but decided she could do it later.

    “So they didn't play anything with the mayor talking today?” He shakes his head. is long brown hair falling into his face. The cheese sauce getting caught in the strands. Techna sighs, wondering if her memory erasing theory was accurate. Deciding that it would be best to research the subject she gets up, placing her plate in the dish cleaner before returning it to the cupboard. Her brother following suit.

    “Come on buddy, lets get you washed up.” She takes him to the bathroom and uses a wet cloth to wipe the mess from his hands and face. Following him to his room she double checks to make sure there wasn't anything in there that wasn't supposed to be before announcing that she had this horrible thing called homework and that if he needed anything he should just call up. He nods, pulling his toys from his bag. Smiling, techna retreats to her room. The computer automatically booting up the moment she opened the door. Something that she programed the computer to do with some wires that were attached to the top of the door. Painted over to blend in with her light blue walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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