Chapter 10

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As I'm getting ready, I hear a knock on my door. Dean isn't supposed to be here for another hour, it can't be him. Quickly, I finish straightening the piece of hair I'm working on and open my door. It's Logan.

"Hey Log-Wait, shouldn't you be at practice?"

"I could be asking you the same thing, my friend."

That's all I am? His FRIEND?

"Okay, Logs, you're right."

"So," he says, raising his eyebrows, "why are you HERE and not THERE?"

"Maybe I'm just busy. Maybe it's school related-"

"Maybe it has to do with the newly single Dean Peterson?" Logan inquires.

"Maybe you're right," I say, sitting down on my bed. Logan sits down next to me. I look up at him and see him smile at me. Gosh, I thought he was going to be mad at me, but the happiness that radiates from his bright green eyes isn't a lie. They're even brighter than Dean's eyes.

"Wow, Emmy, you've only been here for 2 months and you're already going out with Dean Peterson. He's easily the most popular guy on campus, every girl wants him," Logan says.

"Yeah, he's quite the looker," I laugh, "hey Logan, I have a question."

"Yeah of course, Emmy. What advice do you need?" Logan happily says.

"Oh, it's not advice. I, uh, would you ever date a teammate?" I ask hesitantly, biting my lip as I await his answer.

Logan laughs. "Emmy, you're the only girl on the team and you know I'm not into guys."

"Well that didn't answer my question," I say in a semi-sassy tone, which is evened out by my natural playfulness.

Logan just looks at me. I look right back at him, staring into his eyes yet again. My eyes move down to his lips. If only I could press mine against his right now- why am I thinking like this? This is my best friend we're talking about, and I'm about to go on a date with THE Dean Peterson. I absolutely cannot ruin this. Before Logan is able to answer, I stop him by speaking.

"Hey, I gotta get ready for my date with Dean. I'll let you know how it goes," I say.

"Yeah," Logan says, still kind of shook from the moment we just had regarding the question I had asked him, "you do that."

As Logan starts walking out the door, I stop him.

"Hey Logs?"
"Yeah Em?"
"I love you."

He turns around. Why'd he stop so suddenly, it's nothing new. I've always loved him, like a brother. I guess I've just never let him know before.

"I-I-..You too, Emmy" he says with a slight smile.

I'm about to go on a date with THE Dean Peterson and I can't get Logan Reese off of my mind.

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