Chapter 19

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"EMMA!" I hear Dean shout. I practically run into his arms. It's been a little too long since I've been in his arms but I'm glad I'm here with him now. Winter break was rough without him, but being able to see my family was great. Plus, I finished my first semester at PCA with straight A's!

I also got to spend a lot of time with Logan. He has yet to explore his options like I told him to, but I keep hoping that he does so that I only have Dean to focus on. I didn't distance myself from Logan over break, but now that I am here in Dean's arms, I don't feel like I should want to see Logan as much as I do. Maybe it would be best to focus my time on Dean instead now. I mean, I did just have an awkward car ride back to PCA with Logan.

Oh, by the way, the car ride wasn't awkward because of Logan. We are on good terms despite all of my emotions. It was awkward because Derek Gardener drove back with us. What a guy. Luckily my parents were the ones who drove us back, so Derek had no room to be disrespectful.

"Sorry Dean, I'm just taking it all in. I'm so glad to be back with you. Come on, tell me all about your break!"

I walk into my room expecting to see my 3 roommates but instead see Chase and Michael.

"What are you two bozos doing here?" I say, playfully placing my hands on my hips.

"Waiting for Zoey to come back" Chase says, helping himself to a yogurt from our mini fridge, "but while we wait I'm interested in hearing how YOU'RE life is going."

"Well Chase, I had a pretty good winter break but I'm glad I'm back," I say.

"Glad to be back because of DEANIE P," Michael says.

"Please don't ever say that ever again," I say as I cringe at that nickname, "how did winter break treat the two of you?"

"Good," they both say at the same time, too focused on the food they've mooched off of my roommates and I.

"Wait, so if you're here that means Logan's back too, right?" Michael asks.

"Yup, he's here," I reply.

"Sweet. Him and Dean getting along yet?" Chase asks.

I look at him wide eyed. Does Logan talk about all of this with them? Me and Dean, him liking me? Oh my gosh...

"Who are some girls?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

Michael and Chase give me confused looks. Well, the same confused look.

"I'm sorry, I should have worded that better. I want to set Logan up with someone. You know, see him happy, be able to double date with my best friend." I say, feeling my face turn a little red.

"Well, there's a ton of girls at PCA now, so Logan has a lot to choose from." Michael says.

"What about Cassandra?" Chase asks.

" Cassandra from art?" I ask

"Yeah, the tall one"

"Oh my gosh, Chase no she's retaking art, biology, AND pre algebra!! She asked me to tutor her IN GYM!! Logan is way too smart for someone who doesn't even try at school!"

"How about Frannie?" Michael chimes in.

"The one who told me that my freckles make me look like a scary doll from a horror movie? No thanks. Not for Logan." I say, crossing my arms.

"Hmm," Chase says tilting his head, "I mean she isn't wrong."

"Yeah, I kind of do see it," Michael says.

"Lola can bring you to Hollywood when she gets famous and you'll be the next-"

"OH KNOCK IT OFF!! This is about Logan, not my freakish horror movie doll looking self! Next girl!!" I say in frustration.

"Okay okay, well how about Chloe?" Chase asks.

"Logan doesn't date girls taller than him."


"A girl named Bree through up on Logan in 4th grade."


"Logan's dog?"

"No, never mind!" Chase says. "It seems like no girl is good enough for Logan according to your standards!"

Chase is right. There's only one girl who I can think of that's good enough for Logan.

But the whole point of this is to find someone to get Logan's mind OFF of me...

The New Girl (A PCA Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora