Rivals | larry au

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Harry Styles the one everyone wanted. The one girls would throw themselves at just to get a moment with the green eyed boy. He's the type of boy you'd want to take home to your parents. He's pretty much the most popular boy of the school. Gets all the girls, gets good grades. He's the one girls wanted and boys wanted to be.

Louis Tomlinson. No don't get me wrong Louis isn't unpopular. Louis is equally as popular as Harry. Equally as good looking, maybe not as clever but that doesn't stop him. He gets the girls even before Harry does. He's been around the block with a lot of people. His image is scruffier, a bit more threatening. He's not as clean cut as Harry you see, he has more tattoos, the lip ring, a strip of red going through his quiff.

These two boys do not get along in the slightest. To Harry, Louis is a cocky little football playing slut. He wants nothing to do with and and wants to avoid him at all costs. To Louis, Harry is a clever snob who happens to be good looking to get around.

They hate each other.

But when the school decided to make a project between the two English classes of the year. Could things take a dramatic change for the worse.

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