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Harry walked along the road to school the next day. The surprisingly warm sun beaming on his face. He had slung his blazer over his shoulder and was only walking along in his white shirt.

He had a smile on his face because the weather was warm for this time of year. He passed Louis' road and briefly glanced down it. He wasn't there, Harry didn't mind. He liked being alone. Most of the time he was alone. With Gemma being at university and his parents always busy there was no one to really talk to at home.

He had Josh and Niall, they came round a lot. But when they weren't there he felt empty. That's why he used to play girls, it made him feel wanted. But since he'd started to get to know Louis he felt wanted as a more permanent thing. Louis would always glance at him in lessons to check that he was alright. It made him feel like he cared, he was pretty damn sure he cared about him.

He hadn't told anyone, except for Louis himself, how he felt. He still wasn't ok with these feelings. But it made him feel happy, like he meant something to someone. And if that person was a guy, he didn't really care.

The fact that Louis was a guy didn't really bother him. Like the guy they interviewed said, it's just the appearance that is different. Everything else is the same as if it was a girl. It didn't even make Harry cringe that Louis had the same parts as him. Sure he didn't really know how that side of things worked, but one day he'd find out. Louis had told him he googled it and it seemed pretty easy. He was deep in thought thinking about Louis all the way to school. This boy had done something to him, they weren't even an item. They were just 'aware' of each other.

He pushed open the double doors in front of him to get into the school. He was biting down on his lip frowning walking through the hallways. He felt a shove on his shoulder. He turned to his left to see a head of blonde hair. "What are you doing Niall?". Niall grinned at the boy. He stopped in the middle of the corridor to talk to his friend.

"Well one we have that deal about the football match later remember eh?". Harry nodded, frowning at his friend. "And we have an assembly first thing, our whole year. I bet were in trouble so this is going to be fun" he said rubbing his hands. Harry formed a sheepish smile on his face.

Both boys walked to his locker to put his things in and walked into the big hall for the assembly. Niall scanned the room for Josh who was sat in the middle of loads of girls. Niall nodded at him making the boy get up to sit with them. The three boys sat together in the middle of the row with a bunch of people they either didn't like or do didn't talk to.

Their head-teacher walked onto the stage, hushing the group of hormonal teenagers he had in front of him.
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen" the room chorused back various good mornings to the middle aged bald man.

A boy about three rows behind the boys shouted "get off the stage fatso" causing the room to erupt with laughter. "Settle down Mr Hughes" the teacher said to the boy. The man clapped his hands and looked back at the students. "The reason I've called you all here is because there's been some complaints from staff about this year group"

The man carried on "You as a year group are disrespectful and rude to all members of the school community. And to top all the things off there's been drugs found on the school field". Harry nudged Niall in the ribs who covered his mouth to stop him from laughing.

Harry knew damn well who was the one doing to drugs. It was Nick and his stupid gang of followers. Nick was a ghastly excuse of a human being. He was rude, arrogant, sexist, homophobic. He was disgusting. There was no way that he'd ever own up to doing this so he knew that some poor soul would end up with the blame for it.

"When I catch whoever is responsible for this they will be in serious trouble. And if I hear anymore complaints about this year group in the next week your trip to Paris will be cancelled" the students groaned at his gesture. They were all going to Paris as a celebration of exams being over and almost being finished with their education.

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