Two years later

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It was the reception of Zayn and Perries wedding. The raven haired boy eventually plucked up enough courage to propose to her at graduation. Mr Edwards chased him down the field but soon came to terms with it. The wedding was nice, Louis stood up with Zayn being his best man.

It was now the reception. The speeches were done. Louis got the reaction he wanted for his best man speech, everyone laughed and Zayn hated him for it. Perrie was wetting herself laughing at the speech. She looked beautiful today, her dress was long and flowing. She had lilac flowers winded through her now blonde hair. Zayn was a very lucky guy. Louis was now sprawled out on a seat next to his best friends wife whilst he watched Zayn make a complete fool of himself on the dance floor along with his gangly boyfriend.

"Still don't know why you married him" Louis slurred making Perrie laugh. "He's got a good heart" she smiled. Louis sighed looking at his best friend in disgust. "We've had this conversation before Lou". Louis nodded taking another sip of his beer. "Back in the day" he laughed.

He watched Harry trying to dance along with Niall. They were doing some kind of stupid routine that made Louis cringe. "If I wasn't in love with him" he slurred to Perrie "I'd go and tell 'em that he's a loser". The blonde haired girl turned to look at him with a smile on her face. "How much do you love him Lou?" she asked. Louis frowned still looking at his boyfriend "hate 'em" he joked making Perrie slap his arm.

"I love him more than anyone in the whole entire world" he then stated making Perrie coo. She glanced at Harry who was attempting to dance then back at Louis who was looking at him with disgust. "Then why don't you marry him?". Louis had thought about this, they'd been dating for two years and he couldn't imagine his life without him. But he had no idea how he would go about asking him.

He frowned glancing over to Perrie. "What are you thinking?" he asked. She wiggled her eyebrows at him making him doubt her. "You know at Prom how Harry asked you out". Louis nodded hesitantly remembering the day. "Well yeah. But I don't know where you're going with this". A smile formed across the blonde girls mouth. "Well you could ask to marry him here". Louis choked on air having a full coughing fit. Perrie slapped his back trying to stop him from choking to death.

Once he eventually composed himself he glared at her. "I haven't thought this through" he stated. She shrugged her shoulders "didn't he once tell you that no one should be alone on prom night". Louis nodded slowly "well it's not prom night and I said it to him first-" Perrie cut him off by putting a finger up to his lips. "What's the worse that could happen?". Louis made a list in his head of everything that could go wrong but came out with his biggest worry. "That he'll reject me". The blonde girl smirked at him "and we all know he's not going to do that".

Before he could stop her Perrie had stormed onto the little stage and was tapping the microphone. People started to cheer at the bride on the stage. "Hiya.. um no I'm not making a speech" she said in her Geordie accent receiving a groan from the crowd. "But my little best man here is... no Zayn it's not about you don't worry.. um everyone give it up for Louis" she said pointing at him. Louis walked on the stage blinking at the light that had been shone on him.

"Uh.." he said into the microphone. "Get on with it" Niall shouted from the audience receiving a glare from the bride. "Uh... I'm Louis... I'm the best man if you didn't get that already" he said getting a few sniggers from the guests. "Everyone I know is here so please give me a break I'm really nervous" he sighed. "Well basically, I have something I want to ask someone. Because two years ago he stood up on a stage and asked me to go out with him. So I thought id return the favour".

He saw Harry frown at him from the crowd of guests. "Hi Harry" he waved "that's Harry... he's great". Harry was now really frowning at Louis who was just grinning at him. "Harry as you know you've put up with me for two years now, you decided to live with me which is probably the biggest mistake you ever made. But I've really come to like you Haz.. in fact I love you". Some of Perries bridal party were cooing at his speech making Louis want to carry on.

"And basically... What I'm trying to say is. I love you Harry Styles... you're really great in bed" a wolf whistle sounded from the back of the room. Louis gave them a thumbs up. "You're drunk Lou" Harry shouted from the audience. Louis wiggled his eyebrows at him. "Drunk voice, sober mind young lad... anyway pipe down Harry I'm trying to talk to you... I want to spend the rest of my life with you Harry. Even if you drive me insane with the stupid things you say at 3 in the morning, the way you take bites out of apples and put them back in the fruit bowl, the way you feel the need to tidy up after me, you snore like a fucking bear but I still adore you with all my heart. Which is why I'm going to ask you this".

Louis jumped down from the stage and got down on one knee. As soon as Harry realised he put his hand over his mouth in shock, much like Louis had two years before.

"Harry... will you marry me?". Harry had both his hands clasped over his mouth. Louis shifted on his knee. He saw a flash of a camera and turned to see his and Harry's mum with tears streaming down their faces holding a camera. "Harry?" he asked to the boy who was still in shock.

"Lou oh my fucking god" harry managed to say. Louis noticed his hands were shaking, his face softened seeing how shocked he was. "One condition Lou" Harry eventually managed to get out. Louis nodded eagerly "tell me". A smirk formed on Harry's face. He bent down and brought his mouth next to Louis' ear.

"I get to use the handcuffs" he whispered. He stood back up and waited for Louis' reply. He glared at him making Harry's smirk widen. Louis tilted his head back a groaned, he eventually nodded.

Harry wiggled his eyebrows at him making him regret his decision immediately. "Course I'll marry you Louis, that's like a no brainer". He laughed running over to Louis and throwing himself at him. Louis almost fell over in the impact of the taller boy wrapping his legs around his waist. A cheer was heard around them, harry dropped his legs to the floor. "It's better if it's the other way-" he mumbled. Louis nodded jumping up into his grip wrapping his legs around Harry's waist. He held him really tight, it was comforting knowing that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.

"I love you Louis" Harry whispered into Louis hair. Louis attached their lips, the crowd of guests had eventually moved away so it was just the two boys paying attention to each other. "I love you more". Harry frowned at his boyfriend. "No way". Louis pushed his lips together and nodded. "Don't push me Harry, sooner or later I can threaten to divorce you". Harry laughed attaching their lips one more time.

(Four more epilogues to goooo)

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