I'm Still Confused

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They were separated. Annocki, Faene, Equinom and Monique were forced into one cell. Leo, Mimi, Rowan and Norris were in another. Zeel, Shaaran, Halt and Alyss were in another. Lindal, Will and Horace in one and Doom, Crowley and Evanlyn in another. They all grieved what was to come. Equinom linked all their minds and they spoke - thought - to each other their plan.

So what do we do? Equinom asked.

We plan, of course. Rye answered.

Didn't we figure that much already? That was Mimi.

Hey, you're not the one who is before the Shadow Lord in heavy, metal chains! Retorted Rye.

Sure... Thought Mimi

Do you actually have a plan, little brother? Dirk asked

Maybe you shouldn't call him little brother, Dirk. Sholto thought. Everyone felt Dirk mentally shrug.

Well Rye, have a plan? Lief persisted.

No. Yes... well it's just an idea...

Go on! Everyone shouted in their minds.

Perhaps we can manage one out, then another. One can be a decoy and the others can rescue the others... no that won't work...

"Having a delightful conversation, I see," Some feminine voice called. And it was familiar. Everyone, shocked at the sudden appearance, turned towards the shadows where the voice originated. "Care to let me join at all?" The voice was in a slightly lower tone, as if the person shouldn't be here. The person stepped into the light.

"Jasmine!" Everyone hissed together. She chuckled to herself.

"Well Crowley, you did a good job on her." Halt's voice carried through.

"Too good." Crowley replied. Jasmine backed into the shadows.

So... Jasmine began.

What do you mean 'did a good job on her? Barda thought.

Well, did you hear me coming?



Please tell me you have a plan! Rye exclaimed.

I have a plan. Jasmine mimicked, the sarcasm clear in her telepathical message.

I am confused... Lief began.

And stupid. Jasmine added.

Jasmine! Doom exclaimed.

You taught me at three years old to always tell the truth.

It means, never lie. You can not say anything at all! Clearly there was a father-child conflict beginning and when something include Doom - or Jasmine for that case - everyone tried to avoid its beginning.

Where are you guys any way? Annocki tried to stop it.

Oh, just casually sitting before the Master - er - Shadow Lord. Jasmine answered. Master, Master, Master. These people can't have enough! Or creatures...things...

I'm still confused. Lief called.

Did you really think I'd betray my people, my country, the world, my friends... my King? And worse, to the Shadow Lord? Not in a million years. I'd never do that willingly. Jasmine had a matter-of-fact tone. Besides, he's the reason I'm motherless, live with a cold father and acts cold myself. He stole my childhood, therefore, how else should I behave?

More politely. Doom groaned.

Can I assume you have some sort of plan? Will asked.

You can if you want.

You do, don't you. Lief put in smugly. Jasmine seemed to mentally sigh.

Well you guys can wait here, while I do something.

What!? Everyone chorused. Jasmine chuckled softly aloud.

Yeah, thought so. You don't want to wait here.

No I do not want to be in front of the blasting Shadow Lord, while you get to have some fun. Lief sounded irritated. Barda mentally laughed. Though he felt very much the same.

Tell me you have another plan. Rye thought.

I have another plan. Jasmine parroted. Rye mentally slapped himself.

Yes, I do. I'll get you out, and we'll come back to defeat the Shadow Lord.

Why couldn't you do that first? Whined Lief, as if he was 7 years old again.

I was earning the Shadow Lord's trust, duh.


It is more believable now...

What? Halt asked.

I'm not letting you guys go without me. But then if we- oh I know. I take Lief because he is much better at diplomatics than me. Jasmine was suddenly deep in thought. But with telepathical communication, you decide what others hear.

Why me?

Because they know you better than our other diplomats.

"I'll go now," Jasmine whispered, then added as an afterthought. "Don't worry, we shouldn't be too long. If three days go by, then you can start worrying."

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