Chapter 1

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Chapter one: Lief 

        Lief suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. He definatly wasnt in the castle that he stayed in. He sat up, his arms began to give him a stabbing pain. He reached his hand down to the Belt that was suppose to be on his waist. He sighed in relief when he found it still there. Lief looked around. He was outside and he wasnt anywhere nere Del.  

        I don't even think I am still in Deltora. Lief thought. 

        That's when he relised that Jasmine wasn't with him. Not even Barda nor his sister Cora. He stared in confusion. He actually couldn't remember what happened before he appeared here. He looked at the sky. It was day time. 

         Where am I? Lief thought. 

         "Hey!" Lief turned to see a red head. He didnt seem like trouble, but Lief made sure to touch the belt to see if he was trouble. The red head has golden eyes and he wore a blue bandana on his head. He wore a short sleeve jacket above a yellow-orange shit and he wore black skinny jeans which held two belts that crossed over each other and he wore red and black shoes, with white and blue gloves. 

         Lief looked at the kid. The boy came up to Lief and held out his hand. Lief stared at him. 

         "Come on, I dont bite." said the red head.

        Lief sat at a bench looking at the sky. The red head he met that day was actually pretty nice. Lief looked at the direction the red head went. The red head came back and held two paper bags in his hands, he held one out to Lief. 

        "I didn't know what you wanted, so I order two of the same things." the red head said, cheerful. 

        Lief took one of the bags and stared at the red head. "What is your name?" Lief finally asked for the first time. 

        The red head smiled. "My name is Gingka Hagane!" he replied. 

        LIef stared. "What's your name?" Gingka asked Lief. 

        Lief hesitated for a minute. "Lief." 

       "Do you have any kind of Bey?" Gingka asked. 

       "Bey?" Lief asked, making a real confused face. He definatley wasnt in Del, let alone DELTORA. 

       "I have Cosmic Pegasus! See?" Gingka said, pulling a object out and holding it out to Lief. 

       Lief looked at the object. It looked like some sort of top but it was all metal and it had a picture on a shape that was in the middle of the metal. Lief stared at it. For some reason, he reached down to where his sword ussually was but pulled out a top shaped object that was at least a big as Lief's hand. Lief looked down at it and stared. It was like Gingka's but only it has a dragon picture on it and it had some kind of snowflake behind it too. Lief looked at it. He stared. 

       "Cool, you do have a bey! What is it called?" Gingka asked

       And then for some other reason again he decided to anwer the question with a answer that he didn't hesitate to speak. "Safiar. Frozen Safiar." Lief said

        Gingka gave a big smile. "That is cool." Gingka said

        Lief smiled, but then it disapeared when he thought about how his sister was like Gingka. He stares at Gingka as of he was staring at his own sister. Lief wondered about her, Was she safe? Is she in Deltora? Is she able to reach him if she wasnt in Deltora? What happens to him if he didn't get to her in time? 

         Gingka stared at Lief. "Are you alright?" Gingka asked. 

        Lief jumped alittle. He looked at Gingka. "Sorry, I am just thinking about my sister." Lief said. 

        Gingka looked at Lief. He thought about something for a moment and then smiled at Lief. "I think I know who can help you find her. He is a really good tracker and I bet he would help us if we asked!" Gingka said. 

       Lief stared. Then he nodded. "Alright, lets meet your friend." Lief said. 

                                                                                                                                                                                            Lief looked around the place he was at. Gingka's friend lives in a construction site? Lief thought. 

      Lief looked at Gingka. "So what is your friend like?" Lief asked

      "Uh.....He can get stubborn at times....He has alittle bit of a temper issue." Gingka answered. 

     Lief laughed slightly. "Kinda reminds me of Viva" Lief said, remembering another red head he met.

      "Who's Viva?" Gingka asked, leading Lief down narrow places. 

     "Uh.....Well she is...a friend....though if toy get on her bad side she will kill you....." Lief said, wishing he hadn't said a word. 


       "At times she is like that. Though, she is nice." 

     "She your sister?" 


     "Well here we are...." 

     Lief noticed that Gingka stopped. Lief looked around, it was cleared area with all construction scraps and junk laying around. Lief looked at Gingka. 

      "Kyoya!? Are you here?!" Gingka shouted. 

      Lief heard a noise and he quickly looked up. A teenager stood on a bar of metal that was attached to a crane and Lief watched him. The teen had green hair and blue eyes. A black jacket was over a short sleeve shirt that showed his stomache and the white pants that were tucked under his brown boots slightly sagged alittle. Brown gloves were on his hands and then Lief noticed the T shape scars under the teens eyes. Lief didnt see that before. It made this kid much older in a way Lief couldnt see. Gingka smiles at the teen. 

        "Kyoya, I need to talk to you. This is Lief, he said that he lost his sister." Gingka said

        The teen looked at Lief. "What's your sister's name?" he asked

        Lief looked at the teen. "Her name is Cora." Lief answered. 

        The teen stared at Lief. "How long has she been missing?" 

        "I don't know............I dont remember anything from before earlier this morning....                             

Hello everyone!!! My name is Coraline Beackon, though my Profile might say Cora Hawkins. In this whole story, I have combined Deltora Quest with Beyblade. I was going to add dragons in her but I decided not too. Besides, all the other chapters are pretty graphic or bad language contents in here, so I would advise not to read this if you do not want to read graphic stuff or any bad language content. ~Me

Oh come on Cora. writing a story may be hard but you try to rule a kingdom when you're 16 ~Lief

I know.....Lief, ruling a kingdom gets pretty rough, yes, but still. You try to type a chapter while watching Iron Man and staying up at 1:00 in the morning typing it, but then you had softball practice and softball clinic on the same day, then your arm hurts from throwing and then when you get home, your own sister says that your facking, how would that feel? ~Me                 ..............I uh, never actually did........never mind. ~Lief

Anyways, thank you dear readers for reading!~Me

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