Chapter 5

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Chapter Five: Viva

   Viva's eyes flew open and she shot up in a sitting position, words came out of her mouth, "Aqua!!" She stared in surprise and looked around, she wasn't in her room, she wasn't with Malefor anymore. Lief saved her from Malefor, and she remembers that completely. And then she remembered that Aqua, her water sister, was dead, killed by the Deltora dragons. Viva looked around and stared. Where was she? She was in her room the last she knew, then she had that terrible dream of her sister, Aqua. Viva looked at her hands, they were shaking, shaking with fear. Viva pressed her hands together and tried to keep them together. She was scared, very scared. She forced her eyes to look up and saw a window that had light pouring into the room. 

   Viva looked at herself. Her jacket was removed and her socks and boots were siting near a dresser. She stood up from the bed she was laying in and she took her socks and slid them on. She then took her boots and slid those on herself. Viva stood up and grabed her jacket that hanged on the door knob of the closet. Viva slid her jacket on and then she heard a click from the door, she whirled around with one of her Fire Daggers in her hands. The door opened and a girl poked her head in, she looked at the bed then looked around till she saw Viva near the dresser with a Fire Dagger in her hand. 

   "Oh! You're up! Good!" the girl said, coming in the room. Viva saw that the girl was dressed very odd. Her shirt she wore was above her stomach whiched showed her belly button, she was wearing a cowboy hat on her head. She was wearing her jeans on loose and she smiled and put her hand on her hip. She smiled at Viva. "So, Fire is your weapon?" She asked. 

   Viva put her Fire Daggers away and stared at the girl. "Who are you?" Viva demanded. 

   "Who are you? You were at the doorstep when we found you and you were knocked out cold." The girl said. 

   Viva lifted her chin and just stared at her. "My name is Viva of Del, and I want to know who the hell you are!" Viva snapped.

   "Ok, ok. You're alittle cranky. My name is Lizzie, but you can call me Liz." the girl said, streaching out her hand to Viva. "Does people give you a nickname?" 

   Viva took the hand. "They call me Viv. Viv for short." 

   "Well, Viv, you are in time for breakfast." Liz said, she went to the door. "Lets hope Kid doesn't go off about you and your hair." 

   "Kid?" Viva wondered. 

   Viva saw a boy on the floor, yelling and screaming. Viva made a annoyed face at him. 

   "She is unsemetrical! I can't look at her!" the boy said. 

   "I thought he would do this" Liz said. 

   A girl laughed at the sight of the boy on the floor. 

   "Damn it....I'm so sad.......I want to die!!!!" the boy said. 

   "Then how come you didn't kill yourself already?" Viva said, getting alittle irritated. 

   "I've been asking him the same thing....." Liz said. "Anyways, that is Kid, short for Death the Kid, and that is my sister Patty." 

   Patty laughed again. Patty was dressed like Liz and she laughed as Kid just kept to the floor and cried. Viva stared. 

   Kid stood up and straighten himself out. That's when Viva saw Kid wearing a suit and he had black hair,  with three white stipes on his hair. 

   "Anyways, my name is Death the Kid. And I like to make my aquaintance with you." Kid said. 

   "Nice to meet you." Viva said. "Why do you have three stipes on your hair?" 

   "Why is your hair a mess?" Patty asked. 

    Viva frowned and her hair flared up alittle. "I don't think you should know....." 

Hey again!! I made Viva this time! What do you think? I bet it is a short Chapter but Honestly, I wasn't going to make this a super long Chapter. Though, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and yet, I have not explained who Viva was. ~Me

Why not? ~Viva

It's suppose to be a surprise, Viva! ~Me

Ok, but maybe you should tell them one thing? ~Viva

Ok, fine. Viva is my twin sister, and my character does not yet know it, and neither does Viva in the story! And that's all I am telling you! ~Me

Enjoy this Chapter and Blah blah blah blah, yadiyadi yada, and all that shit and fuck....~Viva

This is rated PG-13 Viva!!! No cursing! ~Me

Whatever. ~Viva

Anyways, enjoy! ~Me

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