Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight: Barda

Barda walked down the hall and into the east wing of the tower. He stood there looking around the room that he saw his friends in last. Barda looked at the window. Jasmine was going to kill herself. Why would she think nobody loved her? How come she wanted to kill herself over this? Barda shook his head. He left the tower and walked down the hall and stoped in front of Viva's room. She was the only one who didn't know about what happened. Barda knocked on the door and waited. The door opened to show a girl with red flaming hair and crimson eyes. She looked up at Barda and stared. 

"Barda?" the girl said. 

"Viva, we need to talk." Barda said. 

"They're gone? How did this happen?" Viva said. 

"I don't know, one minute we were in the tower then nothing." Barda said, shaking his head. 

"But nobody can disapear like that! Not unless someone is a wizard." Viva said. 

"Do you think the Belt of Deltora caused it?" Barda said, looking at Viva. 

Viva looked at Barda in disbelief. "Barda, the belt is powerful, yes. But it isn't able to transport people to different places! I would know." Viva said. "Who ever is doing this, must have very powerful magic." 

"The Shadow Lord?" 

"I think we are facing a new oppenent in this game, and the Shadow Lord is helping him. I would know, the Shadow Lord has many tricks up his sleeve and he will not stop until he has what he wants." 

Barda looked at Viva. She looked so determined to fight against the Shadow Lord. Viva was forced to stay in the Dragon's Nest. Viva was used by the Shadow Lord, and yet, Viva is a good person who has a hot temper, loving to her friends and wants nothing in the world to come upon her own family, Lief and Cora. Lief and Cora knew Viva was their sister the moment they met her. Viva has always wanted her own sisters to join her; Aqua, Terra, and Flora, but they were corrupted by the Shadow Lord's power, and Viva was so upset that her sisters had to die with that madness, including her own sweet little sister, Aqua. Viva didn't want her sister to die, and Barda knew that very well, but what choice did they have? 

"The Shadow Lord has brought misery upon us Viva! He did this to everyone! He hurt us! I would think you would understand!" Aqua said that to Viva when they saw her on the Isle of the Dead.

Barda shook his head. "Viva, I understand you want revenge on the Shadow Lord, but I don't think that would help." He said. 

Viva looked at Barda. "You're right. We just need to figure a way to get them home." Viva said. 

Barda nodded and looked outside her window. 

Barda ran into Safiar who was running around looking for Lief. 

"Safiar, why are you at the castle? I told you to make sure the birds are secure!" Barda said. 

"I have to find Lief!! He's my master Barda! And you know that!" Safiar snapped. 

"I know, but Lief has disapeared, I have told you before!" Barda growled. He sighed and looked at Safiar, "Look, right now, we need to find a way to bring Lief back." 

"I know, but how?" Safiar sighed. 

"Guys!" Barda and Safiar looked down the hall and saw Viva with a book in her hand. 

"Viv?" Barda stared. 

"I found something that could've lead to this!" Viva said, showing a picture in a book. "They're called the Dragon Spirits of time. There are five of them, and each one of them is able to control a certain part of time." 

"SO?! What does this have to do with Lief and the others?!" Safiar said. 

"Each dragon needs a host, so they can travel through time, find someone to be there host and then they are able to grant their host powers that are bewond imaginable! I think, these dragons got to them and they went to another demension!" 

"But how is that possible?" Barda question. 

"If one dragon spirit finds its host and two or more touch one another, they make all the dragon spirits travel through time and they make everyone who touch them travel there with them. So it is possible that these dragon spirits took Jasmine, Lief and Cora as a host!" Viva said. 

"But you said there were five! Where are the other two?" Safiar said. 

"They could be-" 

But Viva was cut off when a red orb hit her and she fell backwards. She gasped in pain and clawed the stone floor as Barda and Safiar leaned over her, calling her name. Barda called her. 

"Safiar! Get help!" Barda said. 

Safiar ran to the guards to call for help. Barda called to Viva and watched as her hands began to glow and then in one light glow, she was gone. Barda looked at the spot Viva was. Where did she go? Where did the red orb come from? 

"You sure this is true?" Lady Sharn said. 

Barda nodded. "She disapeared, even the book she had is gone. I can't find her anywhere in the kingdom." 

Lady Sharn sighed and looked at Barda. "Thank you, Barda. We will try our best to find them." She said. 

Barda bowed to Lady Sharn and left her alone in the throne room. Lady Sharn turned her head to a window and looked out the window. 

Lief, my son. Where did you go? Lady Sharn thought.

Hello! How did you like the chapter? I know it was short but still, now you know how Viva got in to the place she is in now! Now all that's left is to tell you how they can't remember anything from before. ~Me

Will Viva ever find the book she brought with her? ~Lief

That is something you have to find out yourself, Lief. The next Chapter is Me!! My Chapter!!! :D Now that Me and Jasmine are getting ready to go into the DWMA, what do you think will happen while we are there? Will me and Jasmine find Lief on the way? Or will we not find Lief at all! ~Me

Enjoy the next and I hope you enjoyed this one. ~Lief

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