Chapter 3

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Rin had been asking Lyra question after question to find out more about her much to Jaken's annoyance. He kept telling them both to shut up but soon gave up as it started to become dark again. Sesshomaru simply remained silent. The only thing he really told them was that there was a demon he needed to find. Lyra was glad that Rin was there otherwise she would have become bored. The girl was so full of life and it was difficult to see her without a smile.

Night had fallen and it felt unusually darker. An unpleasant chill clung onto the eerie atmosphere and Lyra ended up gripping onto Rin's hand tighter, yet the little girl seemed completely unfazed by it. Fog and mist hung low giving the area the perfect setting for a horror movie. Lyra kept darting her eyes around out of fear that another demon would show up to attack them.

"It is not far now," Sesshomaru stated.

Suddenly, Rin let go of Lyra's hand and she and Jaken began to run ahead leaving Lyra trailing just a bit behind Sesshomaru. She thought the silence between them was awkward but at the same time she didn't know what to say to him. Anything she said would have been met with silence anyway. Plus she doubted they had anything in common to talk about. She wouldn't be travelling with them for long either. Once she found Kagome, she would be taking her first chance back home to reality.

"What is your link to this world?"

Lyra blinked in surprise at Sesshomaru's question. She wasn't expecting him to speak to her at all but she moved more forward to walk beside him.

"I... I'm not sure. I was simply at the shrine and I heard a sound coming from the well," she began to explain. "When I looked inside, at first I didn't see anything. But then something appeared for a split second and I fell in. Then, I woke up here."
Sesshomaru glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "What did you see?"
Lyra continued to look ahead, folding her arms. "Well, I saw- What the hell is that?!" she questioned suddenly, losing track of what she was saying.

Sesshomaru refocused to what she was looking at to see Rin and Jaken standing by what he had been searching for. Lyra couldn't see it as clearly through the fog but she could kind of make out what looked like a demon's head with horns.

"Who on earth could have done this?" Jaken asked aloud.
"Inuyasha," Sesshomaru answered as he appeared before them.

Lyra remained a few feet away from the demon's head. It was big and purple, and she could have sworn she saw red eyes. It freaked her out. Its fangs were still bared as well.

"Inuyasha did this. Although I doubt he was able to escape unscathed," he stated.

Lyra took notice of that name again. Who was this Inuyasha? And why was Kagome hanging around with such dangerous people? She had so many questions that she felt only Kagome could answer. She only hoped to find her soon.

Sesshomaru took hold of one of the horns and lifted the demon's head with ease, lifting it up in the air. Rin instantly began screaming, holding her cheeks as she began swaying side to side. Ignoring it, Sesshomaru observed the head for a short while before he commenced walking in a different direction as he held it over his right shoulder.

"We're taking the head with us?" Jaken questioned.
"Enough of that, Rin. Stop it," Sesshomaru said, completely ignoring Jaken.

Lyra forgot that Rin had been screaming all that time since she was so focused on the head. Rin stopped instantly and spun on the spot with a smile before standing completely straight with a serious expression.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Lyra couldn't help but giggle at her actions whilst Jaken seemed unimpressed. Noticing that Sesshomaru was disappearing through the fog, Lyra quickly took hold of Rin's hand and ran to catch up with him, Jaken following just behind.

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