Chapter 15

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Rin was delighted to see that Lyra was safe. She just hoped that Naraku would just leave her alone because she hated seeing Lyra in trouble. Lyra had become like an older sister and mother figure for Rin and it always worried her whenever she was taken. Even Jaken wished that Naraku would stop. But only because he hated the fact his Lord Sesshomaru had to keep going after her. To him, Lyra was a nuisance. And honestly, Lyra was feeling it as well. It seemed whenever she was in the feudal era, Sesshomaru was always having to save her butt. The thought kept bugging her over the next few days and Sesshomaru could see something was bothering her.

He would often ask her what was on her mind, silently hoping and worrying that it wasn’t something he did. However, Lyra would always put on a smile and say everything was okay. Her short and obviously fake answers were beginning to annoy him as well and he would usually just sigh and walk away.

There was a small campfire going, Jaken was fast asleep and snoring whilst leaning against A-Un and Rin had just fallen asleep using Lyra's legs to cushion her head. Lyra gently patted her head as she slept. Sesshomaru had just returned from a short walk to make sure the perimeter was safe. He found Lyra still awake and questioned whether or not to ask her again. He couldn’t help but worry. She was lost in her thoughts, suddenly flinching when Sesshomaru gently held her chin. She didn’t even notice him sit beside her.

Their eyes locked onto each other; Lyra's eyes slightly wide and surprised whilst Sesshomaru’s were deep and questioning.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Lyra.”

She could hear the seriousness in his voice and see it in his eyes. A simple answer wouldn’t do for him this time.

“Sesshomaru, I’m telling you, you really don’t have to worry.”
Sesshomaru sighed out through his nose in frustration, his brows creasing slightly. “Lyra, this is your final warning. I am not going to ask you again.” His grip on her chin even tightened a little.
Lyra knew not to test his patience and gulped silently. “I... Well, I... I’m just worried,” she mumbled.
Sesshomaru frowned softly and let go of her chin. “What do you mean?”
“I mean all that ever happens is Naraku capturing me, me being imprisoned and then you having to save me. I keep having to be saved. The only reason Naraku hasn’t killed me yet is because he thinks if I die, then he’ll die. If he knew the truth... If he knew that if I choose to leave, he’ll win, then he would have killed me long ago.”

Lyra sighed softly and averted her eyes whilst Sesshomaru listened to her intently.

“I don’t know, Sesshomaru. I feel as though I’m not this great prophesised oracle everyone’s been waiting for.” She lowered her head, closing her eyes. “I’m nothing but a burden to you.”
“Don’t speak that way,” he scolded her. He cupped her cheek and turned her to face him again. “Listen to me. I will not repeat the same mistake. Naraku won’t be able to take you from me again. Know that I will always protect you and I will always save you. You are not a burden to me but a blessing.”

Lyra couldn’t help but smile at his words and she instantly felt better about everything. She wished she had shared her feelings with him before instead of keeping it bottled up. Sesshomaru was glad to see her smile again. He placed a kiss to her forehead before carefully moving Rin off her lap so she could rest as well.

As usual, she rested against Sesshomaru whilst he ran his fingers through her hair. They were both silent but at peace. Lyra couldn’t sleep but she enjoyed the relaxing sensation of him playing with her hair.

“Sesshy, if it’s alright with you I would like to go back to my time for a few days,” she spoke quietly. “I’m really missing my father.”
“I have no objections. I will escort you to the well after you awaken.”
Lyra smiled softly and nuzzled into him. “Thank you.”

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