New student

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~~~~~This morning Shiro POV~~~~
Mephisto? I ask Mephisto. Yes Shiro Mephisto said. What the hell am I looking at? I said as a turn to him. We were currently in Mephisto mansion because Mephisto didn't want Sariel in the dorms last night so he let him stay here. Sariel let Mephisto pick out his clothes. He wore a black button up shirt with a white panda hoodie with the ears on the hood he also had black pants and black shoes.

Why couldn't you just give him a uniform? I ask him. Shiro this is a angel you don't just restrict a angel he has the wings of freedom therefore I just had to let him wear what he wanted.

Oh give me a break I know you put that panda hoodie on him. Oh please he looks fine. Mephisto said whipping his hand. If anyone asks why you don't have a uniform on just tell them that I told you you don't have to wear it because off special circumstances. Okay Sariel said smiling. He seems quite happy not at all seems disturbed by The Demon King.

Let's go it reeks of anime and manga in here I said. Your probably smelling Amaimon but let's go anyway Mephisto said. What? A voice calls out.

Gotta go.

~~~~~~~~~~~Sariel POV~~~~~~~~~~~
What a sweet demon Mephisto was. I sense true kindness in his words. I knew all demon couldn't be all evil.
I was in a classroom it was kinda different from the classroom in heaven.

I was sitting at a desk while Mephisto talked to a exorcist. They spoke quietly but my angel ears could pick up the words.

Is this really safe? What if Rin might hurt him?

I'm certain Sariel wouldn't let it get to the point where he gets too hurt...and besides you wouldn't let him hurt the little angel that you liked the first time you saw him right Yukio?

O-of course not...

I blush a little bit. I don't blame the human for liking me I am a heavenly angel after all. But something about that Yukio seems off but I just can't pin it.

The human Yukio walks over to me with Mephisto. Hello my name is Yukio Okumura I will be your teacher any problems you have please address me.

Thank you Mr.Okumura I said smiling. He smiled back at me. Ah! I yelp suddenly I erupt into a white glow. Yukio just looked at me. Sorry... That happens when I'm really happy I say embarrassed.

That's fine but do you think you can control your light? Yukio ask me. I was never the best but if it makes you feel better it's a healing spell so the most it can do is make you hyper if your not hurt I said to him.

So it doesn't burn? He ask. Nope that's flame magic what I just did was glow magic I replied. I understood very little of what you just said but ok he said looking at Mephisto ok I think we're good.

Alright any major issues just call me Mephisto said leaving the room. Yukio walk back to the stand and said the students should be coming- the door opens right now.

~~~~~~~~~Third person POV~~~~~~~~
The first person in the room was Bon then Konekomaru and Shima then Izumo and Shemi. Hey teach I got the- Bons words fell short as he's eyes layed upon Sariel. He was glowing slightly because of his sudden healing spell. His aura made it almost like anyone who looks at him feel captive to his beauty.

I don't know if you ever seen a angel before but you can't look directly at them because their face start to blur and your head gets dizzy....

BON! Are you okay? Ryuji snap out of his trace and look over at Konekomaru. You were in a daze for a few minutes. A few minutes, jeez Bon said walking to his seat scratching his head. Umm....hi I'm Konekomaru Miwa. Hi am Sariel, Sariel said.

Konekomaru smile a little before taking a seat. I'm Shima nice to meet you Sariel, Shima said poking his head out from behind Bon. Izumo and Shemi also introduce themselves.

Okay class please open your books to page 103 oh and Shemi can you share your book with Sariel for the day?

~~~~~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~~~~~~

Hahaha....Hey guys I'm back Rin said walking in the room. Oh boy what's the excuse this time? Bon ask. I was at a doctors appointment I've have you know.

Rin started to walk to his usually seat he came to find someone else sitting there. Hey Rin started but Yukio cut him off. Rin your disrupting a lesson would yo-  Yeah yeah I get it I get it Rin said Sitting in the seat behind the Sariel.

Anyways a Jikininki is a human-eating ghost that is curse after death seeking out corpses to eat they are know as greedy and selfish.

Sariel raise his hand. Yes Sariel Yukio said. Actually it pronounce "shokujinki" he said. Hmmm...ah yes your right it seems I was a little distracted by a certain someone. There was a growl in the back.

Class went on for 20 more minutes before the students were finally dismiss.

Angelic Love ( A Blue Exorcist fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now