The new journey

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I fell asleep and woke up by the sound of Li Mei's voice. I saw her packing her stuff which means she was going home soon to her parents, I knew I couldn't cry in front of her or that will make her sad. Li Mei walked in the cabin, Lu Si-Yan, I have to go home now, my eyes were welling up but I wiped them quickly before Li Mei could see. She hugged me tightly which made me hard to breath. I have something for you Lu Si-Yan, she pulled out a doll which looked quiet old and dirty, it is my old toy I used to play with, it was my favourite. It was touching that Li Mei was giving me her favourite toy, thank you Li Mei, I will treasure it. Li Mei had to go now, Uncle told me to great her but I refused as it will make me cry. I sat inside the cabin, waiting for Li Mei to go. Li Mei came in, I looked away, what's wrong Lu Si-Yan? she looked at me worried, then I burst into tears without knowing, I don't want you to go Li Mei, you are my only friend I have left. I cried and Li Mei patted my head and hugged me, it's not a goodbye Lu Si-Yan, it's goodbye for now. I saw Li Mei waving back at me, I waved back, there was no chance I was going to see Li Mei again.

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