Four: lab experiment

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It's the sharp ringing of his alarm clock that makes you shoot straight up.

"Bloody hell" you mutter, trying to remember where you are. You look around the rather bare room confused, until your eyes land on Sherlock, who also seems to be partially lost as he swivels around in his chair and stands to his feet.

"What time is it?" you mutter, tossing the sheet off as you swing your legs around his bed.

"The alarm always goes off at 7:37AM" sleep stretching his words, "I like to give myself 13 minutes to get ready, 15 minutes to eat, 7 minutes to digest, and 48 minutes to study my work in the lab before the first class of the day"

"That's quite a detailed..." you let the words trail off. Why question it, "I'd better go back to my dorm to get dressed" you say, looking down at your sweatpants and loose jacket, your third day wearing this outfit. You feel terribly groggy and struggle to keep your vision focused. Maybe staying up until 3:30 in the morning wasn't the best idea.


You stand up and take a second to stretch out your legs. Still half asleep, you wander over to Sherlock, wrapping your arms around his and laying your head on his shoulder.

"Are you...hugging me?" laughter in his words.

"Yeah, yeah I guess I am" you give him a tight squeeze and step back, twirling one of his loose curls around your finger.

"You're still extremely disoriented and in twenty minutes time will have forgotten all about this" he states, taking you by your shoulders.

"Haha...what time is it?"

"I just...never mind. It's time for you to go get ready. You awake enough to get back to your dorm?"

"Two rights and a left" you nod.

"Two rights and a left" he assures, leading you to the door.

"I'll see you later Sherlock Holmes" you wave, walking backwards down the empty corridor.

"See you later (y/n)" he laughs, a funny feeling making his words light and warm. He's not stupid. He knows what the feeling is. He's got what all the films you've shown him call, a crush. And he's got it bad.

After 13 minutes of getting ready, 15 minutes of eating breakfast, and 7 minutes of going over tea leaf notes while his stomach digests, he's at the science lab.

The first thing he notices is the door slightly agape, this early it should be closed and locked. The wood around the handle is splintered, clear finger prints showing someone was gripping the handle rather tightly, both signs of forced entry. Separate shadows pass across the windowpane, signaling there are at least three people inside, males by the looks of the broad shoulders and cropped cut hair. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who they are.

He considers retreating back to his room for the remaining time before class, in too good of a mood to deal with Thomas and his mates. But the breaking of glass from inside forces his hand. All he can think of is the many experiments and studies he has in there, things he's been working on for months. The thought of all those hours wasted, destroyed, in mere seconds at the hands of three blokes out of sheer boredom is enough to make Sherlock barge inside. And that's exactly what he does.

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