Ten: A Feeling

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You wake up late the next morning, thankful that it's Sunday and you've got no classes. Thomas and his crew didn't stay for much longer last night and left a huge mess behind them, a mess you spent forever cleaning up. It must've been 4AM when you crashed onto the bed, letting sleep overcome you.

You grab your phone to check the time, but a string of notifications distracts you. There must be at least fifty from various social media apps, saying you've been tagged in this or you've been mentioned in that.

Your heart skips a beat.

The only notifications you ever get are from Team Snapchat wishing you a Happy New Year or Christmas or something. And all of a sudden there are too many to count.

The moment you click on one, you wish you hadn't. There, plain as day, is the slightly shaky video Malcolm took on his cell. You feel your heart sink. Its already got hundreds of views in the four hours it's been online.

You scroll through the video to see how much he managed to capture, which happens to be everything up until the kiss. You can't decide if that makes things better or worse. You don't dare look at the stream of comments underneath, already knowing they'll only infuriate you.

You click out and scroll through the notifications, trying to gage just how popular the video has become, when one stands out.

A text message, sent not but fifteen minutes ago.

Last night got a little out of control. Probably be best if you didn't hang around us for awhile. See ya.


You simply roll your eyes and toss you phone across the bed, Eliza the absolute least of your worries right now. The whole school must've seen this video by now. Which means Sherlock-


You jump from your bed and rush to the door, swinging it open forcefully. People immediately look up at you, all wide eyed, whispering and laughing to their friends, but you barely take notice.

After you kissed Sherlock, he turned and left as if nothing had just happened. You didn't expect anything less. But last night was terrible, and now this video has gone viral, and you can't help but feel like you're responsible for all that's about to come next.

When you reach his dorm, a heavy weight rests on your chests. Written across his door in various colors of sharpie is an array of taunts.

Freak lives here
Warning: bed wetter
Loser inside

You close your eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing thoughts. As you debate whether or not you should knock, the door swings open and a hand pulls you inside.

"Really shouldn't stand outside my door like that, one of your friends might catch you" Sherlock says very matter of factly.

You notice he locks the door behind him.

"We both know they were never really my friends. And if they were, they certainly aren't now" you say with a roll of your eyes, sitting on his bed as he sits across in his desk chair, "Not that I care, of course. You were right about them. As you always are I suppose"

"Yes, I was" he states, "But that didn't give me the right to say the things I did...about you being a freak and all"

"No, you were right" you recall, playing the words over again in your mind, "I mean nothing you said was wrong"

"Still, I shouldn't have said it in such a harsh way"

"Maybe" you offer, laying on your back, staring up at the ceiling where a poster of the periodic table is taped.

Next thing you know, he is lying next to you.

"How are you Sherlock?" you ask after a minute.

"That's a broad question" he sighs.

"Well then how are you physically?" flashes of Thomas's blows making you wince all over again.

"Bruises along my torso and upper abdomen. They're useful for a study I'm doing actually so I suppose it's not all bad" answered scientifically, as per usual.

"And emotionally?" you let the question hang, knowing he'll need time to think it through.

"I'm...I'm...fine. Things are fine"

"That's not a real answer" turning on your side to face him. It's then you realize how close you two actually are.

"Well it's my answer" him turning on his side as well.

"If things are fine then why'd you lock the door?" you question.

"Because I'm not stupid. I know if I left it unlocked half the school would've barged in here to laugh in my face" he sighs.

Can't argue with that.

"Well you can't stay locked up in here forever" you point out.

"But I can for today" he nods.

"Then looks like I'm staying with you"

"(Y/n) you really don't have-"

"I want to" you state, and that's the end of that.

A warmth spreads through your chest as he tries to hide a small smile.

"So," you say after a moment, "what's the verdict?"

"On what?" confusion lacing his words.

"On my kissing abilities of course! I thought it went fairly well but what did you think" words casual.

His cheeks flush pink as he turns onto his back, trying to shield his embarrassment.

"It was good I guess I mean I shouldn't really be the judge of that considering I haven't done much research into what makes a kiss particularly good and considering I haven't kissed anyone before-" he cuts himself off abruptly, wincing at his own confession.

"Oh Sherlock" you laugh, pushing his arm playfully, "I hadn't kissed anyone until last night either so don't think anything of it. And besides, a kiss isn't about science, it's about feeling something"

He thinks it over, letting his mind wander back to that moment.

"I don't quite know what-"

"It's like this" you nod, taking his hand in yours and placing it over your heart, "It's my heart beat right? But it's more than that. It's warmth and movement and life and just...a feeling"

He feels his own heartbeat speed up being so near you, and pulls away quickly, afraid you might notice his sudden nerves.

"Well then yes, I suppose it was a good kiss" he says slowly, recalling the free floating feeling that overtook him when his lips met yours.

"Well then" you say, biting back a wide smile, "Good"

Freak (Sherlock x reader high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now