Confessions by an infp {1}

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Infp:"one time it had been a month since I went to a social gathering I was so excited actually about it I even started having these perfect scenarios in my head that were actually impossible ,I imagined I was going to be the party girl that every one loved I even made scenes were I impress everyone even my crush I think I got too carried away because when I went to the gathering I got hurt by people's statements one after another nothing like I imagined happened instead my awkward self embrassed me infront of my crush , the next day  I was crying and told myself never to go to a social event ever again and the cycle repeats again again "

INFP:"I like people listening to me because I'm usually the listener but when people do let me talk I actually tell them things I wish I didn't ,like deep secrets ,it's just because a hold on too long to my troubles that even if a untrustworthy person asks me 'how are?' I would start blurring everything that was hidden "

INFP:"one time I started telling one of my older cousins about the MBTI personality test she asked me what INFP stood for I told her I is for Intovert she suddenly gave me a surprised look 'honey you are not  an introvert you like talking to people,introverts are EMO's that hide in their room and hate everyone I just said 'oh right',my cousin seriously doesn't know I hate social crowds"

INFP: " I love the night because it's so quite and dark ,outdoors you could see the stars and moons to admire and just be stress free and indoors every one is asleep at home so you could just start talking to your self and listen to whatever music you want ,read your books just doing whatever the heck you want"

INFP:"I'm unsociable in real life but on social media I'm really social I could literally text anyone with confidence even if it was stranger I would tell them I got my period this morning,I think I'm overly friendly "

INFP:" when I write on my notebook/phone I feel like I'm talking to someone who doesn't complain about my negativity "

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